For Unto Us a Child is Born:
The Debate of Timing
By Rev. Barbara A. Di Gilio Th.D.
Isaiah 9:6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder (as the place of burdens): and His name (Shem) shall be called (acclaimed-celebrated) Wonderful (Pele-Incomprehensible, Wonderful) Counselor (Ya'ats-Transformer or Counselor), Mighty God (El Gibor-Mighty God or Chief God-Man), Everlasting Father (Av Eternal), Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom).1
The debate over the timing of Yeshua's birth rages within scholars circles. The fact that December 25 is linked to pagan ritualistic celebrations incorporated into the church, has been well documented. However, little information is circulated concerning the Haggai 2:18-19 celebration of the ninth month, or 24 Kislev. In some years, 24 Kislev is equal to our Gregorian calendar December 24/25.2 It is the purpose of this essay to shed light upon the probable gestation of Yeshua, starting with the conception at 24 Kislev. Then 271 days later in a perfect Solar/Lunar year, Yeshua was born in 3 BC, the 1st of Tishri which occurred on September 11, 3 BC. That date was Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah), and Rosh Khodesh. It was Dr. Ernest L. Martin book entitled, "The Star of Bethlehem: The Star that Astonished the World" that proves this date of Yeshua's birth to be true. However, the rest of this wonderful revelation was given to me by God. Since my article was first put up on the web, many others have drawn from it. Some in goodwill giving me credit for my work, while others claming it as their own revelation.
It was Dr. Ernest L. Martin book entitled,"The Star of Bethlehem: The Star that Astonished the World" that proves this date of Yeshua's birth to be true. However, the rest of this wonderful revelation was given to me by God's Holy Spirit as I asked Him to reveal to me His truth as I studied this conception subject for myself. I would like to thank Dr. Ernest L. Martin for his help. Dr. Martin died on January 16, 2002, we will dearly miss him, but know he is happy in the arms of our Savior and Lord. Dr. Martin revealed in his book, that the signs in the sky on the night of Jesus' birth outside the womb occurred on only one day in 3 B.C., and they occurred exactly on September 11, 3 B.C. between the hours of 6:15 pm and 7:49 pm EST. I hope to prove by my article and by the encoded words in Haggai 2:18-19, that the birth of Jesus in the womb took place on the Kislev/December 24th/25th.
September 11, 3 BC.
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman (Virgo) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;" --Revelation 12:1
Haggai's Words
Haggai 2:18-19:Consider (Mark; as from the heart), I pray, from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month (24 Kislev/Dec.), from the day that the foundation (chief cornerstone) of the L-RD'S Temple was laid. Consider (Mark; as from the heart)! The seed (zehrah) is it yet in the barn? The grapevine, and the fig, pomegranate and the olive tree has not yet brought forth (produced,; born fruit-bring forth). Yet from this day I will bless.3
A breakdown of key Hebrew words, using Strong's numbering system, clarifies the meaning of the passage:
Consider-#3820-(leb)- taken from the word "heart", #3824, a figurative word for feelings, will and intellect; likewise the center of anything. To mark, to care for, consider, to heed, to understand, to remember.
foundation-3245-(ya sad)-literally or figuratively, to set; to found, sit down together, appoint, settle, consult, take counsel, to establish, foundation, instruct, laid; lay, ordain, lay for a foundation.
seed-#2233-(zeh rah)-from #2232-seed; figurative of fruit, child, plant, sowing time, seed time, posterity, fruitful.
brought forth-#5375-or
(naw-saw)-literal and figurative applications: to bear, bring (forth), arise, accept desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), burn, carry (away), cast, forgive, furnish, further.
day-#3117-(yowm)-from an unused root meaning "to be hot"; a day, whether literal (sunrise to sunset or from one sunset to the next), or figuratively (a space of time), always, chronicles, continually daily, birth of, evening, forever, season, perpetually, presently, since, space, then or age.
bless-#1288-(barak) a primitive root meaning "to kneel", as in adoration to G-d; to lift high G-d or man.
this and that-#2088-(zeh)-masculine form; this, that, he hence, here, it (self), now, or "of him".
Note the following translation, using the enhanced Hebrew words:
"Mark from the heart, I pray, from this day and upward, from the twenty-fourth Kislev, from the day the foundation (chief cornerstone) of the L-RD'S Temple was laid. Mark, as from the heart! The seed (child) is it yet in the barn (idiom for womb)? The grapevine (figurative for Messiah), and the fig tree (figurative Israel as a cover), the pomegranate (embroidered on High Priest garment), and the olive tree (Israel in its fullness or season), has not yet born fruit (a Greek term for childbirth; Mt. 1:21). Of Him a day (season) to bless (to lift high) G-d."4
By using this interpretation, it is possible to show that Miriam (Mary) was impregnated on 24 Kislev, and gave birth around the time of Rosh HaShanah.
The Chief Cornerstone and Normal Gestational Timing
Note the following passages that detail the Foundation Stone, our Messiah:
Isaiah 28:16:Therefore thus saith the L-RD G-d, Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation, a Stone (eben),a tried stone (Eben bohan), a precious (commonly accepted for its rarity) Cornerstone (pinnah-pinnacle), a sure (established) Foundation: he that believes shall not be confounded.5
I Peter 2:5-8:You also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual Temple, and a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to G-d by Yeshua Messiah. For which reason also it is contained in the Scripture (Isaiah 28:16), Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believes on Him shall not be disgraced. Unto you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the Stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the Head of the Corner, and a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the Word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
Isaiah 44:28:That saith of Cyrus ( a symbol of Messiah in the Word), He is My shepherd, and shall perform all My pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built, and to the Temple, Thy Foundation shall be laid.
I Corinthians 3:11:For no one can lay any Foundation other than the one already laid, which is Yeshua Messiah.
II Timothy 2:19:Nevertheless the Foundation of G-d stands sure, having this seal, The L-rd knows them who are His own, And, let every one that names the Name of Messiah depart from iniquity.
Matthew 21:42-44:Yeshua saith unto them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, The Stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the Head of the Corner. This is the L-rd's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The Kingdom of G-d shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the good fruits. And whosoever shall fall on this Stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
The early Believers grasped, they understood that Isaiah the prophet was speaking spiritually of Messiah Yeshua, the "Sure Foundation of the L-RD!"
The Foundation Stone, or "Eben Shetthiyah, is the stone that has 7 perforations through which living water (mayim hayim) sprang. Its seven piercings represented the 7 "eyes" or fountains of the Sevenfold Holy Spirit of Elohim ( Isaiah 11:1). These seven attributes, or aspects, are of the Person of the Invisible G-d and are the Lights of the Tree of Life, which was the Menorah. Light is a symbol of Messiah, and on the eighth day of the Festival of Dedication, the kohanim and High Priest were crowned with their new life. This was represented in the Menorah bowls which were filled with oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.6
The Hebrew words "stone" (eben) and "son" were used by Messiah in a play on words in Matthew 3:9:And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our Father: for I say to you, that G-d is able of these stones (eben) to raise up children (ben) to Abraham.
According to Haggai, this Foundation Stone was laid in the Temple on 24 Kislev. If taken metaphorically of Miriam's conception, the normal gestation period of pregnancy is 271 to 280 days, marking the birth of Yeshua at Tishri 1 or Rosh HaShanah. According to rabbinic calculations, Adam was born on Tishri 1. I Corinthians 15:45 considers Yeshua the second Adam: And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Also, rabbis teach that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and several of Israel's prophets were born on Tishri 1. This day starts Yom Teruah-the Feast of Trumpets. These same rabbis teach that the coming of Messiah will be heralded by the "Trumpet of G-d", which will also raise the dead. There are parallels to this teaching in Scripture:
I Corinthians 15:51-52:Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trump; for the Trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
I Thessalonians 4:13-18:But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believed that Yeshua died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Yeshua will G-d bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the Word of the L-rd, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the L-rd shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the L-rd Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of G-d-and the dead in Messiah shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the L-rd in the air: and so shall we ever be with the L-rd. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Zechariah 9:14:And the L-RD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning and the L-rd G-D shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.
Zola Levitt7 teaches a different cycle of gestation. He maintains that if a woman conceives8 on the spring equinox of Nisan 1, counting ahead 280 days, ends with 25 Kislev, or December 25 (approximate date: see footnote 2).
However, if calculated from 24 Kislev, the 271-280 day cycle ends during the time of the blowing of the shofar at Rosh HaShanah.
Post-Exilic Haggai and the Gematria of Kislev 24
Haggai is the second smallest book in the Hebrew Scriptures. It contains 2,336 letters, 600 words and makes up just 38 verses. The name "Haggai" means feast or festival. Haggai spoke of a time when the second temple would be erected, but would not be as beautiful as Solomon's Temple (according to Talmudic and historic data); only the glory would be greater. There would be no Ark of the Covenant, Urim or Thummim9 nor Shekinah Glory. To the Jews coming out of Babylonian exile from 520 to 480 BCE, overlooking the ruins of the first temple, it must have seemed impossible to rebuild anything in so much devastation. But they rebuilt, with the encouragement and strength of the combined efforts of Nehemiah and Ezra. After the walls were rebuilt on 25 Elul, the examination of the priesthood began. After 3 months of preparation, the priests took their places in the rebuild temple on 24 Kislev. It is important to note that the word "Kislev" means truth in heart, hope and confidence. The month of Kislev is a time of hope and miracles for the Jewish people; Messiah Yeshua is our hope (Romans 15:13).
Haggai 2:9: The glory (kavod) of this second temple shall be greater than of the former, saith L-RD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace (peace and reconciliation-both names for Messiah). Therefore, the Glory of the L-RD filled the Second Temple with the Light of Messiah Yeshua, as He walked the Temple compound.
The Gematria numeric value for the word "pregnancy" (- herayon), equals the number of the gestational time frame of 271 days. The letters as follows:
h = 5 (hey)
r = 200 (resh)
y = 10 (yod)
v = 6 (vav)
n =50 (nun)total 271, the number of days from 24 Kislev to Tishri 1. This gestational "season" is equal to the "early rain" of 271 days, or the "latter rain" of 280 days.10
It was also in Kislev that Nehemiah began to ask forgiveness for the sins of the people of Israel, and petitioned the L-RD to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple. As Nehemiah began to "clean house" he separated the Levites that had intermarried with pagan wives, by issuing them dark robes. They were still separated from the other Israelites, but were not given white robes like the Levites who did not intermarry. The ones who did not assimilate and intermarry, were separated into courses, and set aside for the service of the L-RD in the rebuilt temple.
Shemology-the Study of Names11
Along with the Gematria, the study of the meaning of names becomes important in understanding prophecy. The names of the Levites chosen for service are listed in Nehemiah 12:1-7, and bear witness to a deeper truth, not seen on the surface. There were to be 24 courses of Levites,12 rotating throughout the year, assigned to various tasks related to the service of the Temple. In Nehemiah's list, there appears only twenty-two names. When the names of Zerubbabel and Jeshua are added, this makes 24 representatives specified under David. Jeshua, the son of Jozadak,13 was a priest who helped build an altar to offer sacrifices (Ezra 3:2), and also was involved in organizing the rebuilding of the Temple (Ezra 3:8-9; 5:2). Zerubabbel was a descendant of David, and is listed in Yeshua's genealogy in Matthew Chapter 1 and Luke Chapter 3. Zerubbabel supervised the rebuilding of the Temple, with the assistance of Jeshua, also called Joshua in some passages. Zechariah 6:11-13 describes a prophetic future merger of the offices of priest and ruler, under THE BRANCH (vs. 12), also known as the Messiah. This is represented in Jeshua the priest, and Zerubbabel the ruler, merging their offices as symbol of the coming Messiah as Priest and King.14 Zerubabbel is to be counted with the Shemology of the priestly line-up, because of his efforts to restore the Temple and its altar, and his Davidic Messianic lineage. It is imperative to remember that 24 courses of Levites are the standard for the maintenance of the Temple.15 Josephus records 24 courses of priests during his day, so there is every reason to believe there were 24 courses that were eventually appointed for service during or shortly after Zerubbabel's time. Regarding the counting of 24 divisions of priests, it is interesting to note that 24 elders will be praising the L-rd around His throne (Rev.4), and even have special seats situated around the throne of G-d (Rev.4:4). Consider the meanings in the names listed in Nehemiah 12:1-7:
The Bank of Names - Nehemiah 12:1-7
1. Zerubabbel = Born there - Begotten in Babylon (Babylon a prototype of the religious world)
2. Seraiah = Ruling with G-d
3. Jeremiah = Yahvah has appointed - Yahvah will rise or exalt
4. Ezra = My help or My assistance
5. Amariah = Yahvah has said - Yahvah has promised
6. Malluch = To be King
7. Hattush = Assembled; gathered together - Contending together
8. Shechaniah = Inhabited of the L-RD - Dwelling with Yahvah
9. Rehum = Compassionate - Beloved
10. Meremoth = Death by elevation; To rise - Myrrh of death - To be high;
11. Iddo = Timely blessing - To advocate; espouse
12. Ginnetho = Great protection - Gardener protects
13. Abijah = G-d is my Father
14. Miamin = On the right hand - From the right hand
15. Maadiah = Adorned of Yahvah
16. Bilgah = Reviving and bursting forth - Firstborn
17. Shemaiah = Yahvah has heard - Heard of Yah -
18. Joiarib = Yahvah will compete - Yahvah will contend
19. Jedaiah = Praise thou Yah
20. Sallu = Be lifted up of the L-RD
21. Amok = Incomprehensible - Unsearchable - Unfathomable
22. Hilkiah = The L-RD who is my portion - G-d is my portion
23. Jedaiah = Praise of Yah - Yah has known - Known of Yah
24. Yahshua, the High Priest = Yah saves; i.e. Salvation - a Saviour
The Shemology of Nehemiah 12:1-7 - Putting it all together!
Now when you pick from what we have coined, "The Bank of Names" to make a sentence (a pronouncement), you may sometimes use two meanings of one name. This is entirely kosher. It is like the parallelism that we find throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Now when you put these names into a sentence (a pronouncement), you would use small words to help with the understanding, like any translator would do. You would end up with something like this below. It is almost like working out a spirit led crossword puzzle, and when you hit on the right words, it will yield a wonderful message with wonderful insights. Insights pointing always to Messiah, the One who comes in "Volume of the Book" Psalm 40:7-8.
"Born there and ruling with G-d, Yahvah has appointed my help. Yahvah has promised to be King! Assembled; gathered together, inhabited of the L-RD, the Compassionate, my death by elevation; to rise, to advocate great protection. G-d is my Father, I am on the right hand adorned of Yahvah. Revive and bursting forth Yahvah has heard and Yahvah will contend. Praise thou Yah, be lifted up of the L-RD! Incomprehensible is the L-RD who is my portion, Praise of Yah; Yahshua!" (Italics words mine)
Bible Codes-Basis for Understanding Scripture
The subject of Bible Codes is a controversial one, and in my Appendix, I address information concerning encoded messages in the Torah. Hidden codes are found in Scripture when Equidistant Lettering Sequence, or ELS, is applied to passages. Haggai 2:18-19, has just 134 Hebrew letters in 34 words. A minus sign (-) means: left to right in the text, and a plus sign (+) means: right to left find in the Hebrew text. When using ELS on Haggai 2:18-19, the following information is revealed: Every 4th letter of verse 18, starting with the 8th word, 2nd position, the Name Yeshua is spelled:.16 Eight is the number of Messiah in the New Covenant. The Greek numbers Yeshua's name as 888.
The Full List
1.Yeshua - Yah Saves, ELS of +4, associated with the dalet, a door. Messiah is the Door.
2.El-ohim - G-d, ELS of -7, number associated with Sabbath.
3.Shema - Hear, ELS of +11, Eleven is the number associated with linen.
4.Elevation - ELS of +25, associated with Messiah placement in G-d's house of grace. G-d has
highly exalted him, and has given Messiah a Name which is above every name.
5.Sun - ELS of +21, associated with the greater light on earth, and Messiah in Psa. 2.
6.Rabbi - Teacher, ELS of +6, associated with the letter Vav - the number of Man.
7.Kohen - Priest, ELS of -35, associated with a holy Man.
8.River - ELS of +12, associated with that which flows freely. Also the number of the word
"fish" in Deut 4:18.
9.Yoshi - "He That Pardons", ELS of +8, and the number associated with the Messiah.
10.Shoah - Disaster, ELS of -16, a name given for the Holocaust.
11.Zaham - Loathing, ELS of -33, associated with the phrase "as one" in Gen. 3:22.
12.Moses - Drawn from water, ELS of -17, associated with the light and the word "good" in
Gen. 1:4.
13.24th - Bet Dalet, ELS of +6, and found encoded 23 times in these two verses.
14.Ninth - Tav Shin Yod Ayin, found 4 across in the text below Yeshua's Name.
15.Sarah - Princess, ELS of +25, see number 4.
16.Lea - Weak Eyed or Unloved, ELS of +13, a number associated with two powerful Hebrew
words, One (Echad) and Love (Ahava).
17.Ruth - Pleasant, ELS of +34, associated with "Kinsman" in Lev. 25:26 and the book of
18.E'dah - Congregation, ELS of +50, the number associated with the Hebrew Jubilee.
19.Barb - My Nick Name, ELS of +18, number associated with "Chai - Life".
20.Vow - ELS of +4, see number 1
21.Abi - My Father, ELS of +58, number associated with the word "favor" in Gen. 6:8.
22.Abed - Servant, ELS of -26, number associated with the Name of the L-RD.
23.Ahava - Love , ELS of -18, see number 19.
24.Hallel - Praise, ELS of -31, number associated with "El-elohe-Israel." in Gen.33:20.
25.Kosher - ELS of -14, the number associated with "David", the beloved of G-d.
26.Zeeb - Put Out Flame, ELS of -28, the number associated with the phrase "my sins" in
Gen. 41:9.
27.Zebul - Habitation; to dwell, ELS of -44, the number associated with the word "begot" in
Gen. 4:18.
28.Adam - Man, ELS of -42, the number associated with the generations of Yeshua in
Matthew 1:1.
29.Rome - ELS of +15, associated with those who put Yah h y. to death.
30.Tyre - To Distress, Rock, ELS of -6, see number 6.
31.Shechem - Early Rising, Diligence, Shoulder, ELS of +32, a number associated with the
"heart" in Gen. 8:21.
32.E'dar - A flock, to lack nothing, ELS of +26, see number 22.
33.El - G-d - Found 18 times in verse 18 and 12 times in verse 19, together a total of "49" times
in these two verses. 7x7= 49.
34.Zerah - Seed, ELS of +13, associated with Gen. 3:15, see also number 16.
35.Tree - Ets, ELS of +34, see number 17.
Here once again is the same list, however with the Hebrew letters of each word we found encoded. Whereas Hebrew is read right to left, in this list below, it is laid out left to right.
1. Yeshua - yod shin vav ayin
2. El-ohim - aleph lamed hey yod mem
3. Shema - shin mem ayin
4. Elevation - mem ayin lamed hey
5. Sun - shin mem shin
6. Rabbi - resh bet yod
7. Kohen - kaf hey nun
8. River - nun hey resh
9. Yoshi - yod vav shin yod
10. Shoah - shin vav aleph hey
11. Zaham - zayin hey mem
12. Moses - mem vav shin hey
13. 24th - bet dalet
14. Ninth - tav shin yod ayin
15. Sarah - shin resh hey
16. Lea - lamed aleph hey
17. Ruth - resh vav tav
18. E'dah - ayin dalet hey
19. Barb - bet resh bet
20. Vow - nun dalet nun
21. Abi - aleph bet yod
22. Abed - ayin bet dalet
23. Ahava - aleph hey vet hey
24. Hallel - hey lamed lamed
25. Kosher - kaf shin resh
26. Zeeb - zayin aleph bet
27. Zebul - zayin bet lamed
28. Adam - aleph dalet mem
29. Rome - resh vav mem aleph
30. Tyre - tsade resh
31. Shechem - shin kaf mem
32. E'dar - aleph dalet resh
33. El - aleph lamed
34. Zerah - zayin resh ayin
35. Tree - ayin tsadeMatrix 1 of Single Words Encoded in Haggai 2:18-19
Using the pattern described in Bible Codes Plus Software, words can be placed into patterns of color, depending on how the ELS numbers line up.
1. Yeshua - yod shin vav ayin (yellow letters on purple)
2. El-ohim - aleph (white letter on blue/orange) lamed hey yod mem (white letters on blue)
3. Shema - shin mem (dark green letter on light green) ayin (dark green/black on green/fuschia)
4. Elevation - mem (red letter on white/aqua blue) ayin lamed hey (red letters on white)
5. Sun - shin (red letter on aqua blue) mem (red letter on white/aqua blue) shin (red/maroon letter on aqua blue/white)
6. Rabbi - resh bet yod (maroon letters on light gray)
8. River - nun hey resh (blue letters on white)
11. Zaham - zayin hey mem (white letters on dark gray)
13. 24th - bet (maroon on yellow) dalet (maroon/blue on yellow/aqua blue)
16. Lea - lamed (white on orange) aleph (white on orange/blue) hey (white on orange)
17. Ruth - resh vav tav (black letters on red)
18. E'dah - ayin (white on dark blue/dark green) dalet hey (white on dark blue)
24. Hallel - hey lamed lamed (yellow letters on maroon)
28. Adam - aleph (blue on aqua blue) dalet (blue/maroon on aqua blue/yellow) mem (blue on aqua blue)
33. El - aleph lamed (yellow letters on black)
34. Zerah - zayin resh (black on fuschia) ayin (dark green/black on green/fuschia)
35. Tree - ayin (white on dark green/dark blue) tsade (white on dark green)Matrix 2 of Encoded Words 17
A second matrix is used, due to the overlapping nature of the words in Haggai:
9. Yoshi - yod vav shin yod (yellow letters in purple circle)
10. Shoah - shin vav aleph hey (dark green letters in light green)
14. Ninth - tav (yellow letter in blue) shin (shared with "yoshi") yod ayin (yellow in blue)
15. Sarah - shin resh (shared with "Barb" and "Rome") hey (white letters on maroon)
19. Barb - bet resh (shared with "Sarah" and "Rome") bet (maroon letters on yellow)
20. Vow - nun dalet nun (could not find)
21. Abi - aleph bet yod (maroon on gray diamonds)
22. Abed - ayin bet dalet (blue on light blue diamonds)
23. Ahava - aleph hey vet (shared with "Zebul", etc.) hey (black on orange)
25. Kosher - kaf shin resh (red letters on white)
26. Zeeb - zayin (shared with "Zebul") aleph (shared with "Rome" etc.) bet (black on red)
27. Zebul - zayin bet lamed (black on fuschia)
29. Rome - resh vav mem aleph (black on gold)
30. Tyre - tsade resh (white letters on dark gray)
31. Shechem - shin (shared with "yoshi" and "ninth")kaf mem (black on light blue)
32. E'dar - aleph dalet resh (white letters on green/blue)
Matrix of encoded phrase: "Yeshua Mine-My"18
The phrase "Yeshua my" or "Yeshua mine" can only be found in the Tanakh19 at ELS of 100 in two places, II Kings 21:18-25 and Haggai 2:18. On an ELS of 1 to 386, 386 being the gematria of Yeshua name, this 7 letter Hebrew phrase is found only 5 times. At ELS of +4, this phrase appears only one time in the Tanakh, and that is in Haggai 2:18. The Hebrew letter "dalet" is also the number 4, and is symbolic of the word "door". Messiah is the Door! (John 10:7-9).
Matrix of encoded phrase: "Yeshua Triune-Threefold-Tripartite-Trine"20
Using the matrix of 4 across and 18 down, the phrase "Yeshua Trine" appears. Trine is another word for triune, tripartite, and has many applications. The Tanakh has a threefold division: Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim (Law, Prophets and Writings). All three bear witness to Messiah "concerning Me" (Luke 24:44). This phrase can only be found in the Tanakh at ELS of +4 one time using a ELS of 1 to 386, and its here in Haggai 2:18.
The Diagonal Code
Using the same matrix of 4 across and 18 down, but checking diagonally in that matrix, we found the word "Massa" crossing over the name Yeshua. Found in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance #4853, "Massa" means: Prophecy, Burden, Set, Song, Tribune, and Carry. Yeshua is all these things; consider the following Scriptures:
Proverbs 30:1:
Exodus 23:5
Isaiah 15:1
Zechariah 12:1-3
Ezekiel 24:25-27
I Chronicles 15:22
II Chronicles 17:11
II Chronicles 20:25Diagonal Code Matrix of: "Massa" Crossing over the Name Yeshua
Diagonal Use of "Prophecy"
On a diagonal matrix, the Hebrew word "Massa", or "Prophecy", is revealed. We also found these other words encoded as well:
"Torah" - "circumcised" - "goat" - "accomplished" - "toil" - "Yah" - "today" - "chamber - inward part or canopy" - "24th" - "ninth" - "mark" - "myrrh" - "pierce" - "ascent or ascension" - "become rich." These words are markers or RED ARROWS that point directly to Messiah Yeshua.
"He is the Living Torah, circumcised according to Torah standards on the 8th day. He is the atoning goat as well as the Passover Lamb that accomplished by his toil that which Yah required binding. The 24th day of the ninth is a mark of when G-d planted in the womb of a virgin, His Messiah. Presented with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh as a child by wise men from the East (Babylon). Myrrh was used again at His death, as the New Covenant states. Pierced, He died, but rose again and made His ascension into heaven, and because of His death, we become rich. Today if you hear His voice in your inward parts, cry out to Him; He will save and deliver you, as His name Yeshua (Yah Saves) states."
24 Kislev, in the Ninth Month
When using the matrix on 24th (bet dalet) and ninth (aleph shin yod ayin), these are found close together. The ninth month Kislev and the 24th day is found 23 times in the matrix; bearing convincing evidence that this is a pivotal date in history. The letters that spell 24 are also part of the words "pierce" and "inward part". The word "ascent" is above and across the name of Yeshua in the matrix. "Ma'aleh" or "ascension" is Strong's word #4608, with the root word #5927-allah-meaning "ascent, to go up an elevation, a rise, a rock that goes up". This word, found distinctly above the head of Yeshua, points to the fact that He is the "Head of all things by G-d".
Using verses 18 and 19 on a diagonal matrix of 20 Hebrew letters across and 7 down,21 the Hebrew word "Crossbeam" appears when reading left to right. The word "crossbeam" originates in the Chaldee/Aramaic word ( #5135, Strong's), meaning to shine, fire". It is closely related to Strong's #5216 ner or nerah, meaning "to glisten, a lamp, burner or light (literal and figurative)-a candle, lamp or light". These words are a reminder of the "crossbeam" of the Temple Menorah, and the Servant lamp, also known as the Ner Elohim. The Servant lamp flows oil into all other branches, showing a marvelous picture of Messiah Yeshua, the Light of the World, and Light to the Gentiles.
Using the last letter of Yeshua's name, the ayin shows the same 20 letter matrix, with the Hebrew word "risen-rose" (ayin, lamed, hey). Also found, is the term "Ha Shem", which means THE NAME, a term used by rabbis for the name G-d.
What We Did Not Find
Of the hundreds of words we researched in the matrix, not one was unrelated to Yeshua the Messiah. An interesting word, Yavneh, does appear, but it, too, has historical connotations in regards to Yeshua. It was at Yavneh that Judaism was restructured after the destruction of the Temple in 70CE.
It is this present system of Judaism that denies Yeshua as Messiah. Many believe that the "Birkat HaMinim was placed into the Shmoneh Eshreh (18 Benedictions), as an attempt to stamp out believers in Yeshua. The Birkat HaMinim was placed into the Shmoneh Esreh at Yavneh, around 90 CE.22
Solar or Lunar Calendar and 24 Kislev
It does not really matter if the birth of Yeshua falls on Rosh HaShanah or Tabernacles. These dates represent birth outside the womb, but the night of conception was truly a "holy night". I Peter 1:20 states: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. Though fully known, purposed and ordained before the world began, His manifestation as Son of Man, the Last Adam did not take place until the "fullness of time". The fullness of time for YHVH fit every aspect of His divine plan for the right place, at the right time (24th of the ninth month). Thus, His Foundation Stone was born on earth.
You must decide for yourself if the 24th of Kislev, that falls on a December 24th in the ideal Jewish year, was the night that was indeed "Holy"-and would come to be celebrated by billions the world over as Christmas Eve. If the calendar was a Solar (sun) calendar as I believe it was, then the date would not change year to year like it does on just a Lunar calendar. The Jewish calendar before the Babylonian captivity was based upon the sun and not the moon. The Jewish year today is based upon the moon, and the months are about 28 or 29 days long. However, Torah uses both the solar and lunar calendars. The entire Torah is said to be a "Scroll of time". As the Torah is slowly turned on its spindles counterclockwise, the left roll becomes smaller and the right roll becomes larger. It is said, "The right roll is history and the left roll is prophecy, and the parchment that lies open between the two rolls is Today's Headline News.23
What the book Secrets of Enoch states also has bearing upon the time of conception: As every man's nature in this life is dark, so are also his conception, birth, and departure from this life. At what hour he was conceived, at that hour he was born, and at that hour too he died (68:4-5). What this is telling us is clear: that life begins at conception, and that with life (conception), death is attached or assigned because of the fall of Adam. Since Adam was not created to die, his sin created death for all of mankind. From the text of Secrets of Enoch, it is learned that life begins at conception.
This makes abortion murder!
My Witness
I John 5:10: He that believes in the Son of G-d has the witness in him: he that believes not G-d has made Him a liar; because he believes not the testimony that G-d gave of His Son.
The Temple, The Foundation Stone
Isaiah 28:16:Therefore thus saith the L-RD G-D, Behold, I lay in Zion for a Foundation a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious corner Stone, a sure Foundation: he that believes shall not make haste.
Isaiah 44:28:Thus saith of Cyrus (a picture of Messiah), He is My shepherd, and shall perform all My pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the Temple, Thy Foundation shall be laid.
Haggai 2:18:Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the L-RD'S temple was laid, consider it.
Zechariah 8:9:Thus saith the L-RD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the Foundation of the house of the L-RD of hosts was laid, that the Temple might be built.
Zechariah 12:1:The prophecy of the word of the L-RD for Israel, saith the L-RD, which stretched forth the Heavens, and laid the Foundation (Stone) of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him.
Matthew 13:35:That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the Foundation (conception) of the world.
John 17:24:Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the Foundation (conception) of the world.
II Timothy 2:19:Nevertheless the Foundation of G-d stands sure (establish), having this seal, The L-rd knows them who are His own. And, let every one that names the Name of Messiah depart from iniquity.
I Peter 1:19-20:But with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the Foundation (conception) of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
Encoded Words
"Mystics, Hebrew or Christian are not content to treat Biblical words as mere literary expression, expressions or idioms. For them every Biblical word is a spirit vehicle of Divine inspiration."
The late Rabbi Samuel Penner, The Four Dimensions of Paradise, Cyrus Press, 1993.
Assertions from Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in his book, Cracking the Bible Code:
a) The Torah (Five Books of Moses) can both be treated as a sacred text in the usual way, and as encrypted text containing some kind of coded message.
b) The coded message was constructed by utilizing successive letters in the encrypted text selected at equidistant skip intervals.
c) The content of the coded message serves to confirm the unity and integrity of the encrypted text.
d) The content appears in the form of a statistical tendency for selected words to appear in identified locations is for a code to appear many times in a passage of related text.
e) One such tendency is for a code to appear many times in a passage of related text.
f) Another tendency, considered more important, is that two or more different but related words can be found at an equidistant skip intervals in unusually close proximity, as for example a word in an horizontal row which is crossed by a word in a vertical column as in a crossword. In other words, there is a tendency for meaningfully related words to show the "crossword effect" - appearing in the array more closely together than unrelated words. If a specified code is found at several different equidistant skip intervals, the smaller intervals should be considered more meaningful than the larger ones for two reasons: one is that if the skip intervals get large, "close clusters" lose their meaning or they become more difficult to assess; the second reason is that in a large enough range of text it is possible to find a specified word many times at different intervals. A short interval would make the found occurrence be considered as worthy of note.
Biblical Evidence Supports Torah Codes
There is plenty of Biblical evidence for the existence of the Bibles Codes. The Bible has many verses which are interpreted as giving evidence to the existence of the hidden codes in Scripture. Below I have listed just 5 that most of us code researchers use, but there are more.
1. G-d did dictated the Torah to Moses, Scriptures tells us so.
"And Moses wrote all the words of the L-RD". (Exodus 24:4).
2. G-d did encrypt, and we are encouraged to find the hidden, the encoded.
"It is the glory of G-d to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter". (Proverbs 25:2).
3. Messages have been indeed hidden in the Book.
"But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book". (Daniel 12:4).
4. Man and Woman are encouraged to search and seek to unlock the hidden codes and find understanding. "Happy is the man/woman who finds wisdom, and the man/woman who gets understanding." (Proverbs 3:13).
5. Everything that is encoded, like certain events, will be fulfilled in its time frame.
"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matthew 5:18)
Yeshua's Name
Yeshua's names is found in the 8th word in Haggai 2:18, and the number 8 represents Messiah in the New Covenant. Yeshua's name in Greek is equal to the number 888. Also in that 8th word in the second position (bet), there is a yod. The yod is the first letter of both YAHVAH and Yeshua's name, and the yod signifies the Holy Name of the L-RD to many Jewish people. Rabbi Michael L. Munk, in his wonderful book, The Wisdom in Hebrew AlephBet, says that the Yod alludes to "HASHEM, Who is One and indivisible, for although His attributes seem to be numerous and even contradictory, they all flow from a unified purpose and existence (Maharal)."24
Negative Codes
I want to address what has been called "NEGATIVE CODES" before I go on! I belong to two Torah Codes Lists on the world wide web. On one of these lists, this letter was posted. I would like to share it with my readers, it may help you understand by way of painting a picture for you to see. I agree with Steve Scott letter; however I have taken the names out he used, and replaced them with the word "Blank" so as not to offend.
[ Hello All:
For those who have put much stock in Dr. Blank's so-called negative Bible Codes, perhaps a personal experience may help.
I drive a 1994 Ford Taurus SHO which I purchased as a Demo with 300 miles on it. I recently had a problem with the car not starting, dying while it was driving, etc. The whole problem was eventually solved when the local Ford Dealer found: NEGATIVE CODES. In other words: CODES THAT WERE THERE BUT WERE DUE TO A MISPERFORMANCE OF ENGINE SENSORS!!
For those of us who believe that NOTHING from the LORD happens by happenstance - yes indeed, NEGATIVE MATHEMATICAL CODES CAN BE FOUND!! BUT ONLY BY MIS-PERFORMANCE!! It would greatly behoove Dr. Blank, and others to QUIT LOOKING TO WORLDLY METHODS!! It is amazing to me, that these CHRISTIAN PEOPLE have eventually joined ranks with such UNBELIEVERS AS Blank Blank, etc.. As for me: I'll stick with a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIVING GOD!! Steve Scott ]
Numbering the Days From Conception to Birth
Dec. 24th of 1997, which on the Jewish calendar was Hanukkah (Kislev 25th) to the eve of Sept. 20th 1998, which was Tishri 1 of 5758/Rosh HaShanah fit that ideal Jewish year of 271 days. The chart below counts the day left from Dec. 24th/Kislev25th, through the starting day of Rosh HaShanah year 5758. In this ideal Jewish year, the number works out to total 271 day, or the Hebrew word "gestation - pregnancy".Number of days in each Month from:1997/5757 to 1998/5758
Dec. 24th was Kislev 25th - 8 days left
Jan - 31 days
Feb. - 28 days
Mar - 31 days
April - 30 days
May - 31 days
June - 30 days
July - 31 days
Aug. - 31 days
Sept. had 20 days to Tishri 1
Total days = 271
It is important to note that Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel all conceived with the help of the L-rd. These were different than Miriam's situation, however, if the L-rd can make Sarah at 90 give birth, then it is no problem for Him to cause a virgin to conceive. Thus, all these women conceived through Divine intervention.
Genesis 3:15:I will put enmity (animosity) between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head (authority), and you shall bruise His heel.25
The Biblical date, the 24th of the 9th month was the true commission by G-d; in the fullness of time, the Holy Spirit poured out the Seed from the Father on a woman, so she would have Seed to fulfill the prophecy given in Genesis 3:15. Women do not have "seed", men have "seed"; this points to a supernatural occurrence.
Scriptural Pictures Paint the Date
I base this date on being the right date by many factors. One of the main ones is that our G-d throughout the Scriptures, has always painted vivid pictures showing us His set patterns. There is no reason to believe G-d left out such a very pivotal date in the life of His only begotten Son, or from the Holy Hebrew Scriptures. When we open up to His Word, we can see patterns that have been laid out for us before the Foundation of the world. Very obvious pictures and patterns from the beginning to the very end. The Binding of Isaac in Genesis chapter 22 is such a picture of G-d providing a Lamb for sacrifice. The Feasts of the L-RD in Lev. 23 are wonderful pictures! When we celebrate them we see G-d's Holy plan laid out for us. But there is a catch, one must not have any preconceived beliefs rooted in prejudice or religion. Merely looking with Hebrew eyes will not help you see. No, one must have the Holy Spirit of G-d to see and understand.
G-d will show you the Tabernacle in the wilderness is a very vivid pattern of Messiah, as well as the life of Joseph. Joseph's life is also a pattern of what Yeshua Messiah would go through. Being rejected by his own people, yet loving his brothers who sold him into slavery. If one compares the life of Joseph with the life of Messiah Yeshua, one would see over 100 similarities.
The same also goes for Moses' life. The suffering Servant of G-d, in Isaiah 53 and what he would go through on our behalf, also paints a very powerful picture for us to see. It is beyond just mere coincidence, it's a G-d ordained picture show! There are so many clear pictures and patterns to see, all one must do is honestly study them out, and compare them with the person of Messiah Yeshua. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 tells us this great truth: "The thing that have been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the Sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? Nay it has been already of seasoned time, which was before us." So then we must look deep into His Word for all the seasonal patterns!
Plain Text - The Literal
By using the plain literal text we can see most everything. However, the Hebrew letters, words, dates and even the verses are given to us by the Holy Spirit. He worked through these men to inspire them to write the revealed, as well as the unseen. Remember the secret or hidden things belong to our L-RD (Deut 29:29), but it is His good pleasure to reveal them to all seekers of Truth. These other secret or hidden things show us G-d's manifold richness, and the deep depth of truth from within His Holy Word.
Key to remember: All things secret or hidden must line up with the plain literal teaching of the text, adding only to our understanding of G-d, and His Messiah, who "comes in the Volume of the Book" (Psalm 40:7-8). We should never throw out anything until we have honestly studied it out for ourselves, and prayed about it.
Touching the Number 271 again
Getting back to our early number of 271 for the cycle or the season of conception, which brings new life to the earth, let us consider the following information. The Hebrew word HeRaYon - "Pregnancy or Gestation" has the same Gematria (the numerical value of the Hebrew letters) of the cycle or season of conception, 271.hey = 5, resh = 200, yod = 10, vav = 6, nun = 50, totaling = 271
And as we have said before, that is just the number of days from Kislev/Dec 24th to Rosh HaShanah in the idea Jewish year. If we think of this gestation period as a "season", we see there can be an "early rain of 271 days, or a latter rain of 280 days." This pattern fits very nicely I think. The number combination of 271 can also be seen in the pattern of Genesis chapter one. Genesis chapter one, verse one, has a Gematria total number of 2701. Genesis tells us the story of the earth and how it was founded by G-d. So 271 (the zero does not count) is a key number (symbol) that we should take note of. Can all this be coincidence? I do not believe so. I do not believe in anything being a coincidence, only "Divine Intervention."
Touching A Messianic Psalm - Psalm 110 - Womb of the Morning
Speaking of the "early rain or season," I would like to touch on the phrase, "from the womb of the morning." In Psalm 110, a Messianic Psalm, in verse 3 we read this phrase, "womb of the morning.". But what does it really mean? According to Dr. Deborah J. Greenhill, the Hebrew word "Mishchar - morning," used here, refers to "the breaking forth of light, from darkness. Much like the experience of the darkness of the womb, breaking forth its contents into the world of light (Ps. 110:3)." This word "Mishchar," Strongs #4891, comes from a prime Hebrew root #7836 "Shachar" meaning: to dawn, early, rise, seek (diligently). Again, according to Dr. Deborah J. Greenhill, "Shachar means: breaking of light, and it is a poetic term". I believe she is right, and I am convinced it was an early birth, "from the womb of the morning" that Miriam delivered our L-rd. Precisely 271 days after the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, she delivered.
Hebrew Word and Number Pictures
As a side note, let us look at some Word and Number pictures in Haggai verse 2 and 18. Can these numbers in Haggai paint for us a picture? Yes, and I pray you will see something wonderful here.
The Bet is the second letter of the Hebrew AlephBet and stands for the House of G-d, i.e. the Temple of G-d. The 18th letter of the Hebrew AlephBet is a Tsade and stands for Righteousness and Harvest, and is a picture of a "Fish hook" in its ancient form. The number 18 also speaks to us Jewish people as being the number of Life (Chai yc). So a Hebrew Word and Number picture of Haggai 2:18, (chapter and verse) could read as follows: "The House of G-d, His Temple of Righteousness Harvests Life" Yes, Messiah Yeshua does just that; He Harvests Life and one of the Believer's signs, the Fish, is known all over the world.
Now, a Bet Tsade - 2 and 18 can also spell a little used Hebrew word "bots" Strong's #1206 used in Jere. 38:22 meaning: "clay, mire, mud." However, this clay is whitish in color, and has the ability whiten. The word is also related to Strongs #948 mean: to bleach, be white; as in fine linen. Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
David feeling the grim of life prayed, "Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters" Psalm 69:14. The Hebrew word "natsal" Strong's #5337 is a prime root used twice in Psalm 69:14. Natsal means: to snatch away, whether in a good or a bad sense: deliver escape, without fail, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save, surely take (out). So the Bet Tsade can also be seen as a word picture telling us a great Bible Truth. "The House of G-d, His Temple of Righteousness that Harvests Life also delivers us from all the mire of this life, making us whiter then snow." Isaiah 1:18:Come now, and let us reason together, saith the L-RD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson (the color of red earth), they shall be as wool (pure white lamb).
Nathan Kaplan's Research
[This "corner" stone was a part of G-d's pattern and APPOINTED BY HIM as the "keystone" of the temple. It had been "tried" structurally and has even become damaged, but it still exists today in one piece. The most interesting thing the Bordeaux Pilgrim tells us about this stone is this: "AT THE SIDE OF THE SANCTUARY THERE IS A PIERCED STONE". It served as the "landmark" or "marker" of the Temple grounds. It had become the supporting corner stone (keystone) that held Solomon's foundation together to the "sides of the north". As a matter of fact, the Hebrew word for this "corner" stone in Psalm 118:22 is Panah, meaning especially "TO MARK", like a boundary stone. Furthermore, it was situated near the Tavi (Tadi or Tav) Gate - ta diy' meaning "of the mark" and also means "to mark", "nail", "tent peg", "signature", "to imprint". Likewise, the office of the Captain was over this area. Remember, the Captain of the Temple was, in fact, called the "NAIL" in the sure and established place. "Nail" is one of the meanings of Tav. It marked the northwestern boundary of the Temple along which the partition wall ran, and the place of the "shamar" (or place of "observation" - "to mark"; i.e. the "Great Watchtower"). I also believe this "Corner" (Panah) Stone will become the Rosh Stone (King's Stone) of the rebuilt Temple. It "marked" the separation between consecrated and unconsecrated ground where there was a "tomb"]
Nathan Kaplan's article is very fascinating; I may not agree with all of it, but I do agree with a lot of it. If you have ever studied the Temple, you will want to read this. Nathan Kaplan's Temple Site is on the web, and I believe you will find the most interesting material on the Temple, so take a look:
The Foundation Stone and the Menorah
Zechariah chapter 4, describe by symbolism (pictures) the Foundation Stone on which stood the "Tree of Life." This is the place from which the High Priest is to receive his "nourishment." Think about that a minute, and about what a true picture of Yeshua that truly is!
"As the navel is set in the centre of the human body, so is the land of Israel the navel of the world, situated in the centre of the world, and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel, and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem, and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary, and the ark in the centre of the holy place, and the foundation stone before the holy place, because from it the world was founded." (Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim)
Our oldest symbol, the symbol of the Jewish faith, is the Menorah. A seven-branched candelabrum used in the Holy Temple of the L-RD. The Kohanim lit the Menorah in the Sanctuary every evening and then cleaned it out every morning. They replaced the old wicks by putting in new ones made of the same fabric as the priests' garments. The priests' garments were the swaddling clothes we see used in Luke 2:7. Now fresh olive oil was put atop its bowls. The true symbol of the Nation of Israel is therefore the Menorah, for the Nation of Israel shall be "a light to the Nations" (Isaiah 42:6). The Menorah vision in Zechariah 4:1-6 tells us by the Word of the L-RD, one of the most important truths in Holy Scripture. It is "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the L-RD." These are powerful words for us to remember.
The lamps that stand in today's Synagogues, are called the ner tamid - the Continual lamp or the Eternal flame. They are to symbolize the Menorah in the Temple. The Menorah becomes a picture of the invisible Holy Spirit with His 7 fountains which circulate from the bowls atop the 7 pipes fountains. Only the L-RD, the Eternal Light of Life, who is the Incomprehensible Eternal Being, can bring forth all things to fit so perfectly together for us to see (Isaiah 11:1-2). The "Anointed" was anointed (mashached) by the Holy Spirit, the true Light of Kislev/Dec 24th/25th.
Two important notes:
[The Prophets and Jewish Sages, centuries ago, knew and wrote of these obscure Torah Codes. They laboriously unlocked some of the Torah Codes long before the advent of computers. I Chronicles 12:32 (33) reads: "...the children of Issachar, which were men of knowledge and understanding of (the value) the letters to tell the times, to know what Israel ought to do." In the writings of Flavius Josephus it describes the TORAH CODES ...the "Essenes" (at Qumran) as having the gift of Prophecy. They had knowledge to give numerical values to letters (gematria). Then they exchanged certain letters with other opposite letters (temurah). Then, by a secret process of mathematical aphorisms of the Prophets, they could not only predict the details of the fulfillment of a Sacred Writing, but could determine the exact time of the prophecy's fulfillment with astute accuracy. Rarely, if ever, did their predictions prove wrong.] (footnote 23, p15).
"...You ask why Messiah does not come? Today, although it is the Day of Atonement, nevertheless many adulterous acts have been committed in the city of Nehardea." "And what," R. Juda , "does the Holy One, praised be He! Say to that? "He saith (Gen. 8, 7) Sin lieth at the door." Fol. 20 - And what says Satan to this? Inquired R. Juda again. "On the Day of Atonement he has no right to accuse." Whence do we know this? As Rami b. Chama said: "HaSatan by gematria is three hundred and sixty-four, therefore only on that number of days has he permission to accuse; but on the Day of Atonement (i.e., on the three hundred and sixty-fifth), he may not accuse." (Tractate Yoma 20 - Mishnah).
Richard Wurmbrand's Words
["The numerical value of Jesus in Greek is 888, the antithesis of 666, surpassing the apogee of human holiness. He represents divine sainthood. There are secrets enshrined in the mathematical structure of the Bible. We read in proverbs 1:1, "Solomon, son of David, king of Israel." The value of the three proper names is Solomon = 373, David = 14, Israel = 541, the total = 928 which, strangely, is the total number of instructions contained in the whole book of Proverbs. It is indication for the reader, "Seek sense not only in the text of the Bible, but also in its mathematical form." The Apostles, all fishermen, toiled a whole night and caught nothing; when the resurrected Lord appeared (John 21) and told them where to throw the nets, they caught many fish. The catch was not due to their skill. Every fish caught was a sign of grace. They counted them and found 153 fish. Is it a simple coincidence that the word "grace" occurs 153 times in the New Testament? Every figure in the Bible has a deep meaning. Nothing in it is superfluous."]26
In Hebrew, the phrase "Hey Samech Tet Chet" means: "the Passover sacrifice" (Numbers 9:6), and it = 153 also. This speaks volumes as to who Messiah Yeshua is. Did they Messiah disciples know that? I'm not sure, but it is John who also revealed numbers, not only in this passage John 21:11, but in the Book of the Revelation. There John is telling us: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Rev. 13:17-18). The number 666, given to John by the revelation of the L-rd Yeshua Messiah, and given to us to understand if we have "wisdom and understanding". What is that wisdom and understanding? I am persuaded it is the understanding that "Messiah Yeshua is the Volume of the Book, Psalm 40:7-8".27
'Sign'-ificant Torah Gematria - Pregnancy - HeRaYON!
First, let me describe what I've also penned as 'Sign'-ificant Gematria. 'Sign'-ificant Gematria is when you can find a Hebrew word in the Torah (the first 5 books) that matches up with any of the ELS numbers in a matrix pointing to Messiah Yeshua.
The last set of encoded words I found was by the leading of the L-rd. Speaking to my spirit one morning as I lay in bed I heard, "Check your skip of 1 to 134 in the book of Haggai for the word Pregnancy - HeRaYON, and look for a 'Sign-ificant Gematria. On doing so, I found that my parameters I used for Haggai 2:18 (a skip of 1 to 76), revealed 76 in 'Sign'-ificant Torah Gematria as the word "Ra'ah or Ro'ah" - Strong's #7462 meaning: Shepherd; as in Psalm 23:1. However, "Ra'ah - Ro'ah" is also the Hebrew word used for "Keeper or Servant" in Genesis 4:2, and also means: "Feed" as it is used in Isaiah 40:11: "He shall feed His flock like a Shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Once again we run into this word "massa: used here in Isaiah as "carry". However, this time its linked by way of Scripture, to the word "Shepherd". By this G-d is allowing us to see Messiah, the Aleph and the Tav, the letters and numbers, as "the Shepherd who feeds and carries us near His heart".
Now when I used parameters for Haggai 2:18-19 together, the skip was 1 to 134 (the total number of letters in the two verses). Using Haggai 2:18-19 as my standard I put the word HeRaYON into Bible Codes Plus and found the word HeRaYON, one time at a ELS of +83 in Haggai 2:4-9:Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the L-RD; and be strong, O Yahshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the L-RD, and work: for I am with you, saith the L-RD of hosts: According to the Word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my Spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. For thus saith the L-RD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this House (Temple) with Glory, saith the L-RD of hosts .The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the L-RD of hosts. The glory of this latter House (Temple) shall be greater than of the former, saith the L-RD of hosts: and in this place will I give Shalom (a Name for Messiah), saith the L-RD of hosts.
The 'Sign'-ificant Torah Gematria of the number 83 was found in Genesis 25:23. The Hebrew phrase "in your womb" had the same number count 83, just like the ELS skip of the word HeRaYON - Pregnancy found in Haggai. Genesis 25:21-23:And Isaac entreated (prayed - worshipped) the L-RD for his wife, because she was barren: and the L-RD answered his prayer, and Rebecca his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I this way? And she went to inquire of the L-RD. And the L-RD said unto her, Two Nations are "in your womb," and two manner of people shall be separated from your bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger."
After finding HeRaYON encoded here, I also put it into a matrix of 540 Hebrew letters (that's 30 letters across, and 18 rows of letters down), so that each letter would line up under the other. I found to my amazement, the following words encoded in that matrix. (Matrix not shown).
1. Yahshuah = Yeshua - Yah Saves
2. Veneration
3. Angel
4. Revelation
5. Messenger
6. Jonah = Dove
7. Circumcision
8. Affection
9. Servant
10. Yoshi = He that pardons
11. Mayim = Water
12. Shroud
13. Mild
14. Celebrate
15. Parenthood
16. Condemnation
17. Leviticus
18. Zebulun = Habitation - to dwell
19. Manuel = Same meaning as: Emmanuel G-d with us
20. Meshach = Deliverance
21. 9th
22. Hour
23. Naham = Comforter
24. Reaiah = G-d has seen
Again, all these words very clearly have to do with Messiah Yeshua. I found each of these encoded word showing even more Scriptural truths about our L-rd, and painting wonderful pictures in my mind.
As I have said so many many times before, and will say over and over again in all of my writings. "Messiah is the Volume of the Book". Really this Scripture could read "Low, Messiah comes in the Scrolls of the Book (Letters)", Psalm 40:7-8.
I think we have only just touched the tip of the iceberg in our understanding of Bible Codes and the use of what we have penned, Shemology and 'Sign'-ificant Gematria. When our L-rd comes, He will open our eyes to see that He is the FULLNESS of His WORD!
Shema-"Hear" Me Clearly Now
I do not celebrate "Christmas" like the pagans did and do, but I celebrate Messiah's Life being planted in the womb of Miriam. I have coined it "Messiah-massa" i.e. "The Prophecy of the Birth of Messiah Life in the Womb." G-d is showing all of us by this, that Life indeed begins in the womb. He counts it as sacred, as should we also. Heaven help all those who kill the seed in the womb, that which G-d allows to be planted.28 Millions of "Babies" have been killed since Roe verses Wade, and the blood of these innocent Children are crying out to all:
Psalm 139:14-18
"I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knows right well. My bones and substance were not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unformed; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O G-d! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake (idiom here for born), I am still with Thee."
KILLING BABIES!"Mayim Hayim Ministries
All Rights Reserved 1998
Permission to put in print given upon written request only.Email:
My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Deborah Greenhill for all of her help. May God continue to pour out on you the much more of His Word. You have truly been a blessing to me.
1. Adah Guzman interpretation placed in parentheses. Hereafter known as AGI, using NAS and KJV. Adah Guzman is a local teacher.
2. The Jewish calendar observes cycles of the moon, while the Gregorian calendar is based upon the sun.
3. AGI in parentheses.
4. AGI.
5. AGI
6. Kaplan, Nathan. Article: [online]
7. Levitt, Zola. Feasts of Israel, Chapter II:"Unto Us a Child is Born".
8. Time of conception is figured upon the first day of the last menstrual cycle, counting forward to 280 days. Full term delivery is approximately 280 days (40 weeks) after conception.
9. Holman's Bible Dictionary, "Haggai" (Nashville: Holman Publishers, 1991).
10.This is counting 39 to 40 weeks from Kislev 24 (40 weeks, full term x 7 days=280 days), marks Yeshua's birth around the time of Rosh HaShanah.
11. The term "Shemology" was first penned by Mayim Hayim Ministries in 1994.
12. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 7.14.7.
13. Gardner, Paul. Who's Who in the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995), p. 320.
14. Halley's Bible Handbook, 381.
15. I Chronicles 24:1; I Chronicles 28:11-13.
16. This discovery was shown to me by Yacov Rambsel, author of Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament, Frontier Research Publications, 1996.
17. My thanks to Bryan Huie for his assistance in the Matrix.
18. According to the spelling of Super Milon Hebrew Program. Bible Codes Plus Statistical report: "Less than 1 in a million". Really the statistical report is much higher then that, according to the total number of letters in the Tanakh.
19. Tanakh-the Jewish Bible contains 1,196,922 letters, 305,485 words and 23,204 verses.
20. Special thanks to Judith Barker at Mayim Hayim Ministries for this find.
21. Thanks to Judith Barker for this study, and the following study on "risen" and "The Name".
22. Moore, Philip. The End of History: The Messiah Conspiracy, (Atlanta: The Conspiracy, Inc., 1996), p. 375-379.
23. Jones, Vendyl. "The Sanctity of Time in the Torah" The article was on online, but is not any longer because Vendyl has passed away.
24. Munk, Rabbi Michael L. The Wisdom in Hebrew AlephBet, (Mesorah Publications), p125.
25. AGI
26. This gem is from the book "100 Prison Meditations" by Richard Wurmbrand, p154 and is a witness to me from our G-d that numbers are very important to Him.
27. I am fully convinced Psalm 40:7-8 is an "affidavit" of the belief that Messiah Yeshua is the sum total of the Word of G-d. Every letter, every number, every verse, and yes, even the spaces point to Him. It is however for us to study it out till we find Him in the text.
28. The Didache 2:2 states: "do not kill a fetus by abortion, or commit infanticide".
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Agnon, S. Y. Days of Awe. New York: Schocken Book, 1965.
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Bullinger, W. Ethelbert. Numbers in Scripture, Kregel Pub., Michigan: 1969.
de Vaux, Roland. Ancient Israel, Volume 1-2. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.
Edersheim, Alfred. Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing Co., 1982.
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Glazerson, Matityahu. Letters of Fire, Mystical Insights into the Hebrew Language, Feldheim, NY: 1991.
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Gutman, G. Locks. The Spice Of Torah Gematria. Judaica Press, New York: 1985.
Haralick, M. Robert. The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters, Jason Aronson Inc., NJ:
Harris, Archer, Waltke. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Two Vol Set,
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Hertz, Dr. Joseph H. Daily Prayer Book. Bloch Publishing Co., 1963.
Hayyim, Schauss. The Jewish Festivals from their Beginning to Our Own Day. Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1938.
Isaacs, H. Ronald. The Jewish Book of Numbers, Jason Aronson Inc., NJ: 1996
Jackson, J. B. A Dictionary of Scripture, Proper Names. Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1987.
Jeffrey, Grant. The Signature Of God - Astonishing Biblical Discoveries - 1996 Frontier
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Pub. Co., 1992.
Kieval Herman, The High Holy Days - New York The Burning Bush Press, 1959
Lapide, E. Pinchas. Hebrew in the Church, The Foundations of Jewish - Christian
Dialogue, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1984.
McCourry, Mahlon. Names to Live By, Publisher - Terms Inc., 1986. - Out of print.
Midrash, Rabbah VIII, Ruth-Ecclesiastes, The Soncino Press, 1961
Naish, T. Reginald. Spiritual Arithmetic, Publisher - Thynne & Co., London: 1930. -
Out of print.
Nathan Kaplan article on the web:
Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600). The University of Chicago Press.
Penner Samuel Rabbi - The Four Dimensions of Paradise Cyrus Press 1993
Rambsel, Yacov. Yeshua, The Name Of Jesus In The Old Testament - Frontier Resarch
Pub, Box 129, Station "U" Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5M4
Rowley, H. H. Dictionary of Bible Places Names. Fleming H. Revell, Co., 1970.
Satinover, Jeffery M.D., Cracking The Bible Code William Morrow & Co, Inc. NY, 1997
Scholem, Gershom. The Messianic Idea in Judaism. Schocken Books, 1971
Seekins, Frank. The Gospel In Ancient Hebrew, Living Word Pictures; P.O. Box 54700; Phx, AZ 85078-4700, 1996.
Sigal, Phillip. Judaism, The Evolution of a Faith, Eerdmans Pub, Co., 1988.
Stern, David H. Jewish New Testament and Commentary. Jewish New Testament Publishing, 1992.
Strong's, James, LL.D, S.T.D. - The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1995.
Tenney, Merrill C., General Editor. Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary. 1963.
Whiston, William. Josephus Complete Works. Kregel Publishing, 1978.
Wilson, Marvin R. Our Father Abraham. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Wurmbrand, Richard, 100 Prison Meditations - The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc. P.O. Box 443, OK 74005 (918) 337-8015
Others sources I used
After Jesus, The Triumph of Christianity. Readers Digest, 1992.
Ancient Christian Writers, Volume 6. The Didache Paulist Press.
Holman Bible Dictionary for Windows. Parsons Technology, 1994.
The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden. World Bible Publishing
Mayim's Endnote