A Confession Booklet & More

Many years ago as a new Believe in Messiah Yeshua I read a small red booklet that changed my life. It was entitled: "There's Is A Miracle In Your Mouth," written by Pastor John Osteen, Joel Osteen's late father. John is now in heaven and has claimed his reward, which I believe will be great. I keep this small red booklet on my bed stand and I read it at least once or twice a year. I do it like some one who takes a yearly flu shot, it keeps me from getting sick.

But I have also made up a Mayim Hayim Ministries Daily Confession flyer which you may keep in your bible or bed stand, and my Haverim (Friends) use it as well. I have know put up both of these for you to enjoy and grow from confessing the Word of God daily like Pastor Osteen taught me. Pastor Osteen's booklet and the Mayim Hayim Daily Confession flyer are in the PDF format. I pray you will print them out and USE them. Please feel free to pass them on to your friends and family members.


Rev. Barbara Di Gilio Th.D. <><

There's Is A Miracle In Your Mouth

Mayim Hayim Ministries Daily Confession

Mayim's Endnote