Let me paint you a picture in blue, purple, scarlet and white.
A picture of a Wedding, an ancient Hebrew Rite.
He came to a people in bondage, Adonai Elohim is His Name.
He came through a servant called Moses in Egypt they could not remain.
He came to The Passover Table in a Priestly Garment of Light.
He came in a woven Kittle the clothes of The Bridegroom pure white.
Bring The Passover Lamb to the table, stain the lintels and the door posts with its blood, in the form of a Hebrew letter, the Chet that speaks of His love. For the Chet means life, choose life and live and the Angel of Death will pass by if you say yes to The Bridegroom then you will live and not die.
They took of His Bread that's Unleavened, they drank of His Cup of Wine.
A meal consecrated unto The Lord, on The Passover Lamb they came and dined. Leading them out by the way of the Sea God's people walked through on dry ground, entering into the wilderness where the miracles of The Bridegroom were profound. All the way to the mountain of Sinai where Moses ascended alone Before A Heavenly Bridegroom, before a Priestly Throne.
The mountain stood as a Chuppah, the Wedding contract was written in stone. The terms of the Covenant a Ketubah between The Groom and His Bride alone. In Fire and Smoke He descended, with Lightning and Thunder He came. To make a Covenant Everlasting written in His Holy Name.
But the Wedding contract was broken, blinded they could not see.
Fear took control of the people when they turned from His liberty.
Three Thousand people were lost on that day yet many lives were saved.
When they said yes we will follow Him they walked away from the grave.
A Tabernacle formed in the wilderness by The Lord's pattern it was fashioned to fit, to be His Holy Dwelling where He would live in their midst.
The colors of The Tabernacle a lovely picture of Him, revealing the blue of Heaven, scarlet His Blood Cover for sin. Purple that speaks of His Majesty, the raiment of The King, with Curtains of white that speak of His Light, His Righteousness without and within.
Build Me a House of Worship, a Tabernacle of prayer, a place of deep intercession for God's people, the Priests must prepare. To perform the daily sacrifice, a sacrifice for sin for the people needed to be holy in order to follow Him. The Lord Adonai is a Holy God, Adonai Elohim is Kadosh! The Lord mighty in battle, He is The Lord of Hosts.
Now in the book of Hosea, His Bride has walked far away. Given a Get she is set aside for a future day, but the end of the story reveals a great truth a promise in the Jewish Tanakh, The Bridegroom will buy her back again and set her firmly upon The Rock! In the forth day The Root of Jesse, a greater than David a sign Called out a people, a Bride to His table to partake of His Bread and New Wine, and when she says yes The Bridegroom will bless as He prepares a room, for He paid the price by His Blood Sacrifice, the Sacrifice of The Groom. Now His Bride stays awake as she awaits the second stage a Spring Wedding reveals, for The Groom who contends will quickly descend with a shout as the Shofar peals. A Bride all in white will rise up in His Light when He tells her to come up, worship Him! The second stage now complete, now she can speak to her Beloved as she enters in.
The last stage of the Wedding calls a Great Feast when His First Love at last is restored, joined to His Gentile Bride they will reign with The Bridegroom forever more, and the Bride and The Bridegroom bid you to come, come and enter His Rest. Drink from the Waters of The Wells of Salvation then you will forever be blessed!D. Sadler 1996 © All Rights Reserved
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