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Time To Get Ready    The Wedding    Song of the Harvest

Time to get ready

The Almond in blossom, the Lily. the Rose

All speak of a Savior that I've come to know.
The green of a meadow, the wind in the trees
The Hand of The King of Kings created these.
O show me a mountain all covered with snow.
Or look to the heavens where silver stars glow.
Or walk in a place where water runs in
I'll tell you in a minute they all speak of Him.
The seasons are changing as Fall rushes by
And leaves red and yellow are caught up to the sky.
Revealing a secret the L-rd's Coming Soon
It's time to get ready to enter His Room !
O put on your Wedding Dress, come trim your lamp.
For soon they are building a highway, a ramp.
The Altar will go in place an offering for sin
It's time to get ready to be caught up to Him.
D. Sadler  1995  ©
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The Wedding

An Everlasting Covenant He makes in His Father's House.

He pays a very heavy price for His intended spouse.
I'll drink a cup of wine my love and give My cup to you
For I choose you and if you are mine take the cup and drink My Wine.
Now I'll leave you for awhile to prepare for you a special place.
Put on your veil warn as a sign so the whole world will know your Mine.
Be ready with your gown of white and I will come like a thief in the night
To steal you away while all are asleep so watch for Me a vigil keep.
O what a Wedding there will be when We are Wed you to Me.
Seven days will consummate, then a Wedding Feast you will see.
    D. Sadler  1981 ©
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The Savior, Provider, delivering a Remnant

A harvest of contentment with love The Lord will bless.
The Goel Redeeming with His Right Arm leading
When you come believing and His Name confess.
Worship The Messiah, Praise The King of Kings.
On the mountains of Moriah His Chosen Ones will sing.
A harvest of blessings come with joy possessing.
In white garments dressing and take His Wedding Ring.
Dance the Horah in a circle that's complete.
Drink His Living Water that's forever sweet.
The bridegroom is waiting, now His Bride's awaking.
His Hand she will be taking when she drinks the Wine that's best
And her love confess.
D. Sadler  1997 ©
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