There are many wonderful benefits from this spiritual gift,
here are just 12 to study for yourself:
1.To edify and build you up in your most holy faith
- 1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 20
2.To speak to God divine secrets - 1 Corinthians 14:2
3.To speak the wonderful works of God - Acts 2:11
4.To magnify God - Acts 10:46
5.To pray perfectly in-line with His will - Romans 8:26,27
6.To give Him thanks well - 1 Corinthians 14:17
7.To have the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit - Romans 8:16
8.To know you are a joint-heir with Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) - Romans 8:17
9.To strengthen you with might in your inner being (man) - Ephesians 3:16
10.To be a sign to unbelievers of God in you - 1 Corinthians 14:22; Mark 16:17
11.To give you rest in your soul - Isaiah 28:11,12; 1 Corinthians 14:21
12.To please the Lord by receiving the promise of the Father from on high -John 14; Acts 1:5-8
-- D. Sadler
Seven Supernatural Points
1. A supernatural Impartation of God's own Spirit within us. We are his dwelling place, his Tabernacle
(2Cor 6:16).
2. A supernatural Illumination wherein the Spirit of Truth opens our eyes to Jewish and Gentile error and
false doctrine so that we may walk in the true Light uncondemned (Titus 1:14; 1John 1:7).
3. A supernatural Inspiration where there is a burning passion to worship and fellowship with God in Spirit
and in Truth (John 4:23).
4. A supernatural Invigoration as the Power of God in us becomes a witness to a lost world and we preach,
teach, write tracts and books, and yes have published web sites (Mark 13:10; Acts 1:7-8).
5. A supernatural Ignition that makes us the catalyst of revival and outburst of fire in the Holy Ghost
in the Church by the anointing (Acts 2:3, 4:33, 26:18).
6. A supernatural Intoxication as the new wine produces joy, shouting, and great Church services and tremendous
camp meetings (Luke 5:38; Acts 2:13).
7. A supernatural Indwelling that produces the other gifts of the Spirit, true freedom, grace, and faith
(1Cor 12:4).
This tidbit came from Messianic Pastor Cohen G. Reckart of Tampa, Florida.
The simplicity and truth of God's Holy Word is for all who hunger.
All those who sincerely hunger for a knowledge of God will be fed by Him. I do not believe that Christianity is
a religion. Religions are man's ways of worshiping God, not God's idea at all. Christianity or Messianicism as
I call it, is what God did for us in Messiah Yeshua. Praise God, the Truth does not have "take sides to argue
about it"- nor does it need to be defended either. Truth simply needs to be presented and believed. Faith
in God, Faith in the Work of His Son, and the Power of God's Holy Spirit will get you everything you need to make
it thru life. So go for it, and pursue the gift of Speaking in Tongues and reap the benefits God has for you!
Rev. Dee Sadler - Mayim Hayim Of Montana