Twelve Values We Live By

We at Mayim Hayim Ministries hold our values (ideals) to be true and derived from Holy Writ. These are not our own ideas we espouse, but God's. They bring to bear a powerful influence on the kind of people we are for they are an intrinsic part of the Body of Messiah, of which we are members. Yeshua (Jesus) is our example. Yeshua impressed upon His disciples to "walk" as He "walked." If we claim to be His disciples, ultimately our lives must reflect the same values that Yeshua the Messiah reflected. If we bear any fruit, we bear it not apart from Him.

The following twelve values are brief, but they encompass our persona as a Hebraic Roots Ministry:

1) We are committed to simplicity and truthfulness. Nothing is ever done purely for effect or to manipulate people. We are committed never to fall into that trap in this ministry. With God's help we will do our best, on His behalf, by loving His people.

2) We are committed to teach truth and do it honestly, in a Hebraic way, with integrity and always with loyalty to the Holy Scriptures as given to us by the Holy Spirit.

3) We are committed to keeping ourselves from "Loshon hora" - evil speech i.e. gossip, contention, strife and the planting of discord in the Body, His Church.

4) We are committed to people more than to rules and regulations. We feel religion kills, but "knowing" Messiah brings life. Therefore, we preach Messiah's love for His Body (His Church) and the fallen world. (Messiah said of the fallen world, He did not come to condemn, but to save. John 3:17).

5) We are committed to highly value one-on-one relationships; we are the "Church" and if God so loves us, we should do the same for others.

6) We are not committed to any dress code, and do not stress any religious form as a means of acceptance, or status but are committed to do the will of the Father. Messiah loves everyone, even sinners. We are to judge ourselves, and not others.

7) We are committed to gather, whether it's in a building or home, but this edifice is not the Church. It is only a "place" where we, the Body of Messiah meet for regular fellowship in the unity of the Spirit.

8) We are committed to give of: ourselves, our time, our talents, our money, our worship, and commitment for these things express our love and devotion to God and His movement in the earth. We give because we want to, and not because we have to. It is unscriptural to coerce people into giving to God.

9) We are committed to teach that serving God through His Holy Spirit is a joy and a blessing. We serve Him willingly-not because we have to. Therefore it is a delight that this ministry is called to teach others to do likewise. It is part of who we are.

10) We are committed to encourage others to reach their full potential in Messiah, just like the apostle Barnabas did for an unknown Rabbi Saul. We are to allow people to be what God wants them to be by His own anointed guiding Holy Spirit dwelling in them. (I John 2:27).

11) We are committed to making disciples not for ourselves, but for the Lord of Glory. We are to remember that they are His sheep, and if one strays, we are to look after that one stray as He would do.

12) We are committed to reaching pastors, both male and female, to show them the Hebraic Roots of the faith, and let them know it is a movement of restoration for the last days, not a threat to their ministry. We want to furnish them with things that edify.

All this we will try and do with God's help, and to the best of our abilities.

In His Loving Service,

Rev. Dr. Barbara A. Di Gilio <><
Founder and President and of Mayim Hayim Ministries - Phoenix, Arizona

Mayim Hayim Ministries is a pro-life, pro-family organization. As a Barnabas Ministry we teach God's Love and Grace in a Messianic Way. We are a non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona. We need your kind support, thank-you.

Mayim Hayim Ministries
Phoenix, AZ
If you have any questions email us at:
Mayim Hayim Ministries