society is in serious trouble. Over the past forty years there has been a dramatic decline in the quality of our
education and morals, and an equally dramatic rise in crime, murder, suicide, abortion, drugs, sexual promiscuity,
divorce, debt and other societal ills. The experts are struggling to understand the reasons for this decline. Is
it economics? Is it the fault of special interest groups? Is big business to blame? Is it caused by the Republicans?
The Democrats? A.W. Tozer concluded that almost everything wrong with our society is due to the fact that as a
nation, we have been losing the knowledge of God. He went on to state that almost all of life's problems and their
solutions are theological. The person who comes to a right belief about God will relieve himself of a million other
problems in life. The person who has a wrong concept about God will add a million other problems to his life. There
is hardly a problem in society that can't be traced back to misperceptions about God. It is impossible for an individual
to keep their moral practices sound or a society to keep there values right when their idea of God is erroneous
or inadequate. If this decline of the knowledge of God has brought on almost all of our troubles, then the rediscovery
of the knowledge of God will go a long way toward curing them. Today, the most important obligation for Messiah's
Holy Community of Jews and Gentiles is to purify our concept of God until it is once more worthy of Him. If we
would bring back true spiritual power to our lives and health to our nation, we must think about God as He is,
not as we assume He is. Since names found in the Holy Scriptures reveal the character and nature of those that
bare them, one way to enrich our knowledge of God is by studying His names, titles and the metaphors used to describe
Elohim is the first name for God found in the Tanach (Old Testament). It is in Genesis 1:1 and is the third word
of the Hebrew Scriptures: In the beginning "Elohim" - "God." Elohim is the most common name
that is translated as "God." It comes from a root that means "strength, might, power." It is
used over 2,300 times in the Scriptures to refer to the God of Israel. Elohim is unusual since it is plural. It
can also be translated as "gods." Exodus 12:12 refers to "all the elohim (gods) of Egypt."
This plural name that is used for the One God opens the door for the revelation of the plural yet single nature
of God that is more fully revealed in the rest of the Scriptures. When Elohim is combined with other words, different
attributes of God are emphasized.
God of the Beginning (Deuteronomy 33:27): The Powerful One always existed. He is the First One, before all things
in time and priority. He must be before all else in our affections, and come first in our admiration.
God of Hosts, or God of Armies (2 Samuel 5:10): The Strong One is a mighty warrior and is the Commander-In-Chief
of the armies of Heaven and His people on Earth.
God of Justice (Isaiah 30:18): The Powerful One is perfectly just and will bring complete justice and righteousness
to the world.
God of Heights (Micah 6:6): The expression "Heights" signifies supremacy of power and position. The Strongest
One is supremely exalted.
God Who is Near (Jeremiah 23:23): The Mighty One is not distant. He is close to His creation - even nearer than
our breath; so near that in Him we live and move and have our being. Yeshua's incarnation supremely expresses this
God of my Kindness (Psalm 59:11): The Strong One is kind and He works to make us kind. Yeshua's life and sacrifice
is the supreme example of God's kindness.
God of my Strength (Psalm 43:2): The Strongest One desires to make us strong. When we realize that we are weak
and learn to rely on Him, then He is able to make us strong.
God of my Praise (Psalm 109:1): God is supremely worthy of our praise. He desires to be the main subject of our
accolades as well as what we talk and think about. He enables us to do the things that will add to His praise.
Whatever praiseworthy things we ever do are ultimately due to Him.
God of my Salvation (Psalm 18:47, 25:5): Humans beings are estranged from God, and alienated from the Source of
Life. God's nature and will is to rescue, redeem, deliver, help and restore. Salvation must be personal for each
human being. The Mighty One must become the God of my Salvation. Salvation is found in being in a right relationship
to a Person - Yeshua, not by having a mere belief system or good works.
God of gods (Deuteronomy 10:17): There are other so-called "gods" and "higher powers," but
the Strongest One is mightier than all. Even they acknowledge Him as the Most Powerful, and compared to His infinite
power, they are powerless.
God of the Rock of my Salvation (2 Samuel 22:47): Rock is strong, solid, dependable and enduring. It is useful
as a weapon or for defense. We can completely depend on the Most Powerful One to give us eternal salvation.
God of All Flesh (Jeremiah 32:27): The Mighty One created all living things on Earth, and rightly demands that
they conform to His plans for them.
God of the Spirits of All Flesh (Numbers 16:22): God created us with both a physical and spiritual dimension. He
claims lordship over body and soul, flesh and spirit.
Holy God (Leviticus 19:2): The Mightiest One is unique, incomparable, one of a kind. There is no one and nothing
like Him, and there never will be. He is distinct from everyone and everything else that exists. He is infinitely
pure and free from anything that is wrong.
Living God (Jeremiah 10:10): The Strongest One has life in Himself. He gives life to everything else that exists.
He desires to give us life that is eternal and abundant.
God of Forgiveness (Nehemiah 9:17): Men might be slow to forgive, but it is the Mighty One's nature to forgive.
God's desire is to forgive all of our sins and reconcile us to Himself, if only we will come to Him on His terms.
El comes from the same root as Elohim, is translated "God" and is used 200 times in the Scriptures. El
is also combined with words that emphasize different attributes of God.
The Faithful God (Deuteronomy 7:9): Everything the Mightiest One says and does is 100% reliable. He is completely
The Great God (Deuteronomy 10:17): He is great in all ways: His size (Heaven and the Highest Heavens can't contain
Him), His stature, His attributes and His deeds.
The Holy God (Isaiah 5:16): The Strong One is unique. There is no one and nothing like Him. He is incomparable
- distinct from everything else that exists.
The God of Israel (Psalm 68:36): The Powerful One chose the Jewish Nation and is forever uniquely connected to
His Chosen People.
The God of the Heavens (Psalm 136:26): The All-Powerful One created the Heavens - the sun, the moon, the planets,
and the multiplied trillions of stars. His throne is in Heaven, where He rules over the heavenly hosts.
God of my Rock (Psalm 42:10): The Mighty One is strong, enduring, and my defender, my stronghold and my protection
from all attacks.
God the Joy of my Exaltation (Psalm 43:4): The Strongest is the source of tremendous joy to me, as He raises me
up in position and honor.
The God Who Sees (Genesis 16:13): The Most Powerful One sees and knows all. Nothing is beyond His sight.
The God of Glory (Psalm 29:3): God Himself is beautiful. He is the source of all beauty and creativity. He is to
be supremely honored.
The God of Knowledge (1 Samuel 2:3): The Mighty One is all-knowing and is the source of all wisdom and understanding.
Whatever knowledge man has comes from Him.
The God of Eternity or The God of the Universe (Genesis 21:33): The Strongest One is eternal - without beginning
and without end. He is the Maker of time, eternity, and the universe.
The God of Truth (Psalm 31:6): The Powerful One is the source of ultimate reality. Everything connected with Him
is true and real. Likewise, the lives of His children are to be characterized by honesty and truth.
The Faithful God (Deuteronomy 32:4): The Strong One is completely reliable. You can trust Him completely in this
life, and you can entrust your eternal destiny to Him.
The God of my Salvation (Isaiah 12:2): God Himself is the source of our help. He alone can deliver us from the
consequences of sin and death. He wants all human beings to be saved, but each individual must personally know
Him as the God of my Salvation.
The God of my Life (Psalm 42:9): The Strong One is the source of all life. He is the One who gives life to each
human being, and He gives eternal life to those who find Messiah Yeshua.
The One God (Malachi 2:10): There is only one true God, who eternally exists as the Father, the Son and the Holy
The God of Compassion (Deuteronomy 4:31): The nature of the Powerful One is one of kindness. He is full of compassion
and feeling for people. He is completely free of any cruelty or meanness.
The Gracious God (Jonah 4:2): His nature is gracious, giving and generous, even when we don't deserve it.
The Jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24): His very name and character is Jealous (see Exodus 34:14). The Mighty One is
extremely protective towards His people and doesn't want to share our affections with any other "gods."
The Righteous God (Isaiah 45:21): Everything The Powerful One does and says is right. He is incapable of even the
slightest iniquity. Although there is much unrighteousness in the world, He is completely fair and just in all
His doings. Eventually He will make everything right.
God the All-Sufficient (Genesis 17:1): Like a nursing mother, God completely nourishes and satisfies His people
and takes care of all their needs.
The Most High God (Genesis 14:18): Height signifies power and position. The Powerful One is supremely exalted,
and should be highest in our thoughts and affections.
The God of Yeshurun (Deuteronomy 33:26): Yeshurun means "Upright One" and is another name for Israel.
The Mighty One is forever and uniquely connected to Israel. He is righteous and will make Israel, and all those
who are grafted into Israel, completely righteous.
The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6): Yeshua, the Son of God, is fully Man and yet fully God. He is the mightiest warrior
and the strongest force in the universe.
The titles Elohim and El reminds us that God is the Strongest One in the universe and the source of all power,
might and strength. No one is more powerful than He. We can go to the Mighty One, the Powerful One, the Strong
One, who will infuse us with strength, and empower us to do all that He calls us to be and do.
"Elah" is another name that is translated as "God." It is used 70 times in the Holy Scriptures.
Like Elohim, it comes from a root that means strength, might or power. It can be combined with other words so that
different attributes of God are emphasized.
God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19): Elah is uniquely associated with one city - Jerusalem, the City of Peace. The Mightiest
One is forever connected to the capital of Israel. It is the place that He chose for the Temple, where He manifested
His presence on Earth, and enabled atonement to be made. It is the place where the Son of God offered His ultimate
sacrifice, which brought final atonement. It is the place where King Messiah will rule for 1,000 years when He
returns to the Earth. At the beginning of eternity, the New
Jerusalem will descend from Heaven to the New Earth, and it will be the eternal dwelling place of God and mankind,
and the capital of the new Heavens and the New Earth.
God of Israel (Ezra 5:1): God has a special connection with the Land and the People of Israel.
God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23): The Strongest One created Heaven, which is a real place where He and the good angels
dwell. He also created the Heavens - the sun, moon, stars and planets. God's throne is in Heaven, where He rules
over its heavenly inhabitants and everything else that exists.
God of Heaven and Earth (Ezra 5:11): The Mighty One rules over the entire universe. There is no one and nothing
that is not under His power.
"Eloah" is the singular of Elohim, so it too comes from a root that means strength, might or power. It
is used 50 times in the Bible. It too is translated as "God."
"YHVH" is a name that is generally translated "Lord." It is used approximately 7000 times in
the Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures), more than any other name for God. It is also referred to as the "Tetragrammaton,"
which means "The Four Letters," because it comes from four Hebrew letters: Yud, Hay, Vav, Hay. This name
comes from the Hebrew verb, which means, "to be." YHVH emphasizes God's absolute being. He has life and
being inherent in Himself. Everything else derives its being from Him. The Lord is the source of all being, all
existence and all reality. He is without beginning and without end because He always was, He is, and He always
will be.
Even though YHVH appears in Genesis 2, God didn't reveal Himself as YHVH until Exodus 3 in conjunction with the
creation of Israel. This is the special memorial-name that God revealed to Moses at the burning bush. "And
God said to Moses, "I Am Who I
Am; and He said, thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I Am has sent me to you... this is My eternal name,
and this is how I am to be recalled for all generations" (Exodus 3:14-15).
Although some pronounce YHVH as Jehovah or Yaweh, those are only guesses, since we no longer know for sure the
proper pronunciation. The Jewish people stopped saying this name by the third century AD out of fear of violating
the commandment, "You shall not take the name of YHVH your God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), and we lost the
knowledge of its proper pronunciation. According to the rabbis, the Tetragrammaton may not be pronounced under
any circumstances. Another name, "Adonai," is usually substituted in place of YHVH. When YHVH is combined
with other words God's different attributes are emphasized.
Adonai Elohim - Lord God (Genesis 2:4): This is a powerful revelation of God as the Strongest One who is the totality
of all being, reality and existence. He is the Mightiest One who has all the power He needs to do whatever He wills.
He has all the resources to meet all of mankind's needs.
Adonai Tz'vaot - The Lord of Armies (1 Samuel 1:11): Adonai is the most powerful being in the universe. The One
with Life in Himself is the greatest of all warriors and the Supreme Commander in Chief of His forces in Heaven
and on Earth.
Adonai M'kadesh - The Lord Who Makes Holy (Ezekiel 37:28): The Source of Being is holy - different from everything
else that exists, unique, special, one of a kind. There is one God and there is no one and nothing like Him. He
is infinitely pure and separate from any hint of evil. He sets apart people, places and things to accomplish His
purposes. The closer we get to and the more we become like the Holy One, the holier we become.
Adonai Yireh - The Lord Who Sees: (Genesis 22:14): Adonai sees all and knows all. Since He is omniscient, He is
aware of all our problems and needs. The Source of Existence is committed to provide for all the needs of His people.
Adonai Neesee - The Lord My Miracle, or The Lord My Banner (Exodus 17:15): If we need a miracle, Adonai is able
to do one for us. In the midst of life's raging battles, the One who is our Banner, is always able to be seen,
high and lifted up and greatly exalted, leading us to victory.
Adonai Shalom - The Lord Of Peace (Judges 6:24): "Shalom" means peace in the sense of wholeness and completeness.
The Lord is complete in Himself. The Self-Existent One needs no one and nothing to make Him complete. His purpose
is to restore peace
and wholeness to His creation that was fractured by sin.
Adonai Rofehcha - The Lord Who Heals You (Exodus 15:26): The Lord is the Great Physician and the ultimate source
of all healing - spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, societal, environmental. If you are in need of any kind
of healing, He is the first One to turn to.
Adonai O'saynu - The Lord our Maker (Psalm 95:6): Adonai made us by given us existence and life. Since He is our
Creator, we must follow His plans and designs for us. Since He is our Maker, He deserves all that we are and all
that we have.
The same Lord who revealed Himself as YHVH in the Tenach is revealed as Yeshua in the New Testament. Yeshua shares
the same attributes as YHVH. He has life in Himself: "For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so
He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself" (John 5:26). He gives existence to and sustains all other
things: "All things came into being by Him" (John 1:3). "He is before all things, and in Him all
things hold together" (Colossians 1:17). "He upholds all things by the word of His power" (Hebrews
1:3). In addition, the Son of God claimed to be Adonai. When asked by some Jewish leaders how He could have seen
Abraham, who lived 2,000 years before, Yeshua replied: "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born,
I Am" (John 8:58), I Am being an essential part of the Tetragrammaton.
Rabbi Paul tells Messiah's Holy Community at Rome: "if you confess with your mouth Yeshua as Lord... you shall
be saved." A few verses later, in 10:13, Paul backs up this statement by quoting Joel 2:32: "Whoever
will call upon the name of the Lord (YHVH) will be saved." Calling on Yeshua as Lord is equivalent to calling
Him YHVH, because Yeshua is YHVH. In fact, the powerful title, Adonai Tzidkaynu - the Lord our Righteousness, is
prophetically applied to the Messiah (Jeremiah 23:6). In some miraculous way, a human being who comes from the
royal line of King David will ascend to David's throne, save us and rule over us with wisdom and righteousness.
And, He is also Adonai Himself, the Source of Being, who enables those who trust in Him to have a right relationship
with God.
"Yah" is a shortened form of YHVH, and so it too comes from the Hebrew verb that means "to be."
It is generally translated as Lord. It is used approximately 40 times in the Holy Scriptures, and appears primarily
in the book of Psalms. It is also found in the compound word "hallelu-Yah," which is a plural command
to "praise Yah."
"Adon" means "Master" or "Lord" (Isaiah 10:33), and lets us know that God is the
Lord and Master of all things. He has the right to rule over us, and issue commands, which we should obey.
"Adonai" is an emphatic form of "Adon." It is a plural, and can be translated as "my lords."
It is used approximately 450 times in the Tenach. It is also used as a substitute for the Tetragrammaton. Lord
of lords, a compound form of Adonai, is found in Deuteronomy 10:17. The God of Israel is the Master of masters,
and the King of kings, and the Lord who rules over all principalities, powers and authorities that exist, whether
they are visible or invisible.

The Name: [HaShem] (Leviticus 24:16)
God Of Abraham, God Of Isaac, And God Of Jacob: (Exodus 3:15)
The Great Mighty Awesome God: (Deuteronomy 10:17)
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Father Of Eternity, Prince Of Peace: (Isaiah 9:6)
Father: (Isaiah 64:8)
Holy One: (Habakkuk 1:12)
Holy Spirit: (Psalm 51:11)
Spirit Of God: (Genesis 1:2)
The Spirit Of The LORD God: (Isaiah 61:1)
The Spirit Of The LORD, The Spirit Of Wisdom And Understanding, The Spirit Of Counsel and Strength,
The Spirit Of Knowledge And The Fear Of The LORD: (Isaiah 11:2)
Holy One Of Israel: (Psalm 78:41)
Upright One: (Isaiah 26:7)
Light: (Psalm 27:1)
Light Of Israel: (Isaiah 10:17)
Light To The Nations: (Isaiah 42:6)
Our Dwelling Place: (Psalm 90:1)
Fortress: (Psalm 91:2)
Stronghold: (Psalm 18:2)
Tower Of Strength: (Psalm 61:3)
Refuge: (Psalm 46:1)
Hiding Place: (Psalm 32:7)
Strength: (Psalm 46:1)
Shield: (Psalm 18:30)
Rock: (Habakkuk 1:12)
Rock Of My Strength: (Psalm 62:7)
Rock Of Israel: (2 Samuel 23:3)
Stone: (Psalm 118:22)
Stone of Israel: (Genesis 49:24)
Cornerstone: (Psalm 118:22)
My Portion In The Land Of The Living: (Psalm 142:5)
The Portion Of My Inheritance: (Psalm 16:5)
My Cup: (Psalm 16:5)
Branch: (Zechariah 6:12)
Star: (Numbers 24:17)
Crown and Daidem: (Isaiah 28:5)
Potter: (Isaiah 64:8)
Tent Peg, Bow Of Battle: (Zechariah 10:4)
Husband: (Isaiah 54:5)
Maker: (Psalm 49:2)
Creator: (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Creator Of Israel: (Isaiah 43:15)
Shepherd: (Genesis 49:24)
Shepherd Of Israel: (Psalm 80:1)
Messenger Of The Covenant: (Malachi 3:1)
Redeemer: (Psalm 19:14)
Redeemer of Israel: (Isaiah 49:7)
Deliverer: (Psalm 144:2)
My Lovingkindness: (Psalm 144:2)
Savior: (Isaiah 45:15)
The King: (Isaiah 6:5)
King Of Israel: (Zephaniah 3:15)
King Of Glory: (Psalm 24:7)
Lord Of All The Earth: (Micah 4:13)
Ancient of Days: (Daniel 7:9)
The Most High: (Deuteronomy 32:8)
Covenant To The People: (Isaiah 42:6)
Shiloh: (Genesis 49:10)
The Angel: (Genesis 48:16)
The Arm Of The Lord: (Isaiah 53:1)
Ruler In Israel: (Micah 5:2)
Messiah The Prince: (Daniel 9:25)
There is a richness here. More than Jesus Christ, or God the Father, God the So and God the Holy
Yeshua Of Nazareth: (Matthew 26:71)
Messiah: (John 1:41)
The Son: (John 8:36)
Only Begotten Son: (1 John 4:9)
Beloved Son: (Matthew 3:17)
Son Of David: (Matthew 1:1)
The Root And Offspring Of David: (Revelation 22:16)
Son Of Abraham: (Matthew 1:1)
Abraham's Seed: (Galatians 3:16)
Son Of Joseph: (John 1:45)
Son Of Man: (Matthew 26:64, see Daniel 7:13)
Son Of God: (Matthew 26:63)
Son of the Father: (2 John 1:3)
Son Of The Most High: (Luke 1:32)
Only Begotten God: (John 1:18)
Firstborn: (Hebrews 1:6)
Firstborn Of All Creation: (Colossians 1:15)
Beginning Of The Creation Of God: (Revelation 3:14)
Firstborn From The Dead: (Revelation 1:5)
The Last Adam: (1 Corinthians 15:45)
Rabbi: [Teacher, literally "my great one"] (Matthew 23:8)
King Of Israel: (Mark 15:32)
King Of The Jews: (Matthew 27:37)
The Word: (John 1:1)
The Word Of God: (Revelation 19:13)
The Word Of Life: (1 John 1:1)
The Life: (John 11:25)
I AM: (John 8:58, see Exodus 3:14)
LORD: (Romans 10:9-13, see Joel 2:32)
God: (John 1:1)
The Man: (John 19:5)
Immanuel: [God with us] (Matthew 1:23, see Isaiah 7:14)
Master: [Chief, Commander] (Luke 8:24)
The Expected One: (Luke 7:19)
Savior Of The World: (John 4:42)
Savior Of All Men: (1 Timothy 4:10)
The Deliverer: (Romans 11:26)
The Prophet: (John 1:25, see Deuteronomy 18:15)
Holy One: (Acts 3:14)
Righteous One: (Acts 3:14)
Prince: (Acts 5:31)
Prince Of Life: (Acts 3:15)
Living One: (Luke 24:5)
Judge Of The Living And The Dead: (Acts 10:42)
Stone: (Mark 12:10)
Chief Cornerstone: (Mark 12:10)
Chief Shepherd: (1 Peter 5:4)
Good Shepherd: (John 10:11)
Shepherd And Guardian Of Our Souls: (1 Peter 2:25)
The Lamb: (Revelation 5:12)
Passover Lamb: (1 Corinthians 5:7)
Lamb of God: (John 1:36)
Lion Of Judah: (Revelation 5:5)
Advocate, Counsel For The Defense: (1 John 2:1)
Light Of The World: (John 8:12)
King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords: (Revelation 19:16)
The Faithful Witness: (Revelation 1:5)
The Faithful And True One: (Revelation 19:11)
The Amen: (Revelation 3:14)
Servant: (Acts 4:27)
The Bright Morning Star: (Revelation 22:16)
Sunrise From On High: (Luke 1:78)
The Apostle: (Hebrews 3:1)
The Great High Priest: (Hebrews 4:14)
The Author And Perfecter Of Faith: (Hebrews 12:2)
The Chosen One: (Luke 9:35)
The Mediator: (1 Timothy 2:5)
The Way, The Truth, And The Life: (John 14:6)
The Door: (John 10:7)
The Alpha And The Omega: (Revelation 22:13)
The First And The Last: (Revelation 22:13)
The Beginning And The End: (Revelation 22:13)
The Head Of The Body, The Church: (Colossians 1:18)
Head Over All Things: (Ephesians 1:22)
Heir Of All Things: (Hebrews 1:2)
The Image Of The Invisible God: (Colossians 1:15)
God's Mystery: (Colossians 2:2)
Horn Of Salvation: (Luke 1:69)
The Power Of God: (1 Corinthians 1:24)
The Wisdom Of God: (1 Corinthians 1:24)
The Beloved: (Matthew 12:18)
The Brigegroom: (John 3:29)
The Bread Of God (John 6:33)
The Bread Out Of Heaven: (John 6:32)
The Bread Of Life: (John 6:35)
The True Vine: (John 15:1)
The Vinedresser: (John 15:1)
The Resurrection (John 11:25)
Father: (Matthew 6:9)
Abba: [Daddy] (Romans 8:15)
God The Father: (2 Timothy 1:2)
Father Of Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah: (Colossians 1:3)
The Father Of Lights: (James 1:17)
The Father Of Glory: (Ephesians 1:17)
The Father Of Spirits: (Hebrews 12:9)
Father of Mercies: (2 Corinthians 1:3)
God (Elohim): (2 Corinthians 9:7)
The God Of Our Fathers [Elohay Avotaynu]: (Acts 7:32)
The God Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob [Elohay Avraham, Yitzchak v'Yaakov]: (Acts 7:32)
God Of All Comfort [Elohay Kol HaNechamah]: (2 Corinthians 1:3)
God Of Peace [Elohay Shalom]: (Hebrews 13:20)
The God Of Glory [Elohay Kavod]: (Acts 7:2)
The Living God [Elohay Chaiyim]: (2 Corinthians 3:3, 6:16)
The God Of Israel [Elohay Yisrael]: (Matthew 15:31)
Lord God [YHVH Elohim]: (Acts 3:22)
Lord God of Israel [YHVH Elohay Yisrael]: (Luke 1:68)
Lord Almighty [YHVH Shaddai]: (2 Corinthians 6:18)
The Almighty [Shaddai]: (Revelation 1:8)
Power [Ha Gevurah]: (Mark 14:62)
The Creator [HaBoray]: (Romans 1:25, 1 Peter 4:19)
The Most High God [El Elyon]: (Hebrews 7:1)
The Divine Nature: (Romans 1:20, 2 Peter 1:4)
Lord Of Armies: [YHVH Tz'vaot] (James 5:4)
The Majestic Glory: (2 Peter 1:17)
The Majesty: (Hebrews 1:3)
The King Of The Nations: (Revelation 15:3)
The Lawgiver And Judge: (James 4:12)
The Eternal Immortal Invisible King: (1 Timothy 1:17)
Sovereign: (1 Timothy 6:15)
Heaven: (Matthew 21:25)
A Consuming Fire: (Hebrews 12:29)
The Spirit: (Romans 2:29)
The Holy Spirit: (Luke 3:16)
The Holy Spirit of God: (Ephesians 4:30)
The Holy Spirit Of Promise: (Ephesians 1:13)
The Spirit of the Living God: (2 Corinthians 3:3)
The Spirit Of The Lord: (Luke 4:18)
The Eternal Spirit: (Hebrews 9:14)
The Spirit Of Truth: (John 15:26)
The Spirit Of Yeshua: (Acts 16:7)
The Spirit Of Yeshua The Messiah (Philippians 1:19)
The Spirit Of Messiah: (Romans 8:9)
The Spirit Of God: (Romans 8:9)
Helper or Comforter: (John 14:26)
The Holy Spirit is compared to:
Clothing (Luke 24:49): Because He clothes us with power from on high.
A Dove (Matthew 3:16): Because the dove is a symbol of purity, peace, and flies in the heavens and
was used as a sacrifice for the poor.
A Pledge, Earnest Money (2 Corinthians 1:22): Because He is the pledge and the downpayment of
our inheritance.
A Seal (Ephesians 1:13): Because a seal protects, makes secure, and demonstrates ownership.
Fire (Acts 2:3): Because fire separates the impure from the pure, it cleanses and purifies.
Oil (Acts 10:38): Because oil was used for anointing, for healing, for nourishment and burned to give
Water (John 7:38): Because water is simple yet mysterious. It is tasteless, formless, colorless,
transparent, and buoyant. It can hold up a huge ship. It is used for transportation. The Holy Spirit
holds us up and transports us through this world to the World To Come. Water cleanses and
refreshes. With water there is life, growth, and fruitfulness. Without water there are deserts.
Wind (John 3:8): Because we can't see the wind but we can see its results. Just as the winds blows
wherever it wants, so God's Spirit is sovereign. He gives gifts as He wills. Wind can be powerful
like a tornado or hurricane, or be a cool refreshing breeze.
Breath: (John 20:22). Without breath we die. God's Breath gives us life. We have life and intimacy
with God due to His indwelling Spirit.
Wine: Because we are not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18).
Written by Loren Jacobs