Shemology of Daniel
By G. A. Simpkins
Here is a shemology using all of the names in the first chapter of Daniel only one time, including names of cities and nations, in the order that they are first introduced in scripture.
The Names
Jehoiakim - Vengeance of God, avenging, establishing
Judah – Praise the LORD, Praise of Yah
Nebuchadnezzar – Tears and groans of judgement
Babylon – Confusion
Jerusalem – City of Peace
Shinar – In the watch of him who sleeps
Ashpenaz – Spreading as a fire
Israel – Prevails with God
Chaldeans – Devils, robbers, and thieves
Daniel – My judge is EL, My judge is God
Hananiah – Grace and mercy, the gift of Yahveh (LORD)
Mishael – Who is asked of God or loaned to God
Azariah – He that hears Yahveh (LORD)
Belteshazzar – Who lays up treasures in secret
Shadrach – Tender
Meshach – That draws with force
Abednego – Servant of light, shining
Melzar – Severing a bond
Cyrus – Misery, as an heir (of God)
The translation of the names in a Shemology:
"The vengeance of God, praise the LORD, came with tears and groans of judgement, and confusion to the city of peace. Coming as in the watch of him who sleeps and spreading as a fire that prevails with God, who sent devils and thieves. My judge is God! Grace and mercy, the gift of the LORD is granted to who is asked for and to who is loaned to God. He who hears God is who lays up treasures in secret. Tender, yet one that draws with force, a servant of light, severing a bond of misery as an heir of God."
This Shemology encapsulates the judgement and captivity of Judah, while revealing that God will grant mercy, enlightenment, and eventual release through His servants and prophets.
All rights belong to G. A. Simpkins