You Are The Eternal Lord

Everlasting Arms ~ Larry Dyke

Avinu Malkeinu, My Father and My King,

Who has created the heavens and the earth? The Lord God Almighty of cousrse. He was in the beginning, Aleph and spoke into existence, by His Word, all that was, all this is, and O praise His holy name, Baruch Ha Shem, all that is to come.

As you continue to hold all those that are Yours in the very palm of Your hand, protecting, loving, refreshing, energizing us with Your Ruach. How wonderful You are My GOD. How awesome, unfathomable, how the very mystery of why YOU created for Your pleasure …. US. We cry out with praise, adoration, thankfulness, wonder and all that is within me, does praise You on this earth.

You are the Eternal Lord. You reigned before You created any human being; so we your creation sing out our praises to You. I worship You because You are a Holy Lord. We can come to You with clean hands and a pure heart, because You alone have made the way through Your precious holy blood for us to enter into the place where communion with You is that sacred, holy place where Your glory reigns on earth and stirs us, lifts us up to see Your glory.

We are blessed that You allow us to smell Your sweet fragrance as we bow ourselves in Your Presence. Oh God, let all that is created praise You. You have stirred in me a passion to be in Your Presence, to see Your glory and understand Your LOVE that sparks within me continually, restoring my soul and causing me to desire to be holy as YOU are HOLY. Your path is narrow, however, I know the touch of Your embrace, and Your kiss upon my cheek.

I pray one day, I will hear my ABBA say, "Well done" when I see His FACE. I know on that day all these present trials and troubles will have been all worth the effort. Amen.

Rev. Shirley Mendelsohn - January 22, 2007

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