Books On-Line
We at Mayim Hayim Ministries are very happy to have "Books On-Line" now for you to read. If you click on any of the active links, that link will take you to the site of a "brand new book" or truly a "classic" to read or download. Some books will be housed on MHM web pages, these books will bare a dove logo
Some links will be on other web sites around the globe. If you should encounter a link on MHM pages that is no longer active, please let us know so we might fix it. However, we cannot account for the links on other web sites we have listed. You will need to post them, and tell them that link does not work.
Books On-Line will grow slowly with books and libraries links that offer a plethora of information. We want to put up books you will read, and that will enlighten you as well. Books that
will shed light on the passed 2000 years of Church history. Our hope is that many Messianic books will be put up on "Books On-Line" to teach you about the heart of the Messiah, and how the Holy Spirit works in our lives today. Our prayer is that you will learn deeper truths about Abba, our Father and His phenomenal WORD. Our desire is to put up books that will educate, guide you spiritually, and edify all who have a hungry soul.
An Invitation
If you have written a book, and believe it may never get published, you might want to think about putting it on line with us...We give no money for any book sent to MHM, and we will hold no copyright to your work. We only promise to read your work and "if" it fits our genera (Messianic - Christian and edifying), we will consider using it on Books On-line. You may post us with what you feel are two of your best chapters, and will go from there.Also, Mayim Hayim Ministries may not agree 100% with "all" of the theology in all books. Nevertheless, we never throw out the "Baby" (that which is good), with the dirty bath water. You need to be a Believer which searches the Scriptures daily. Be like the noble Berean's who received the "Word" with all readiness of mind, and searched the "Scriptures" to see if these things are so, Acts 17:11.
Our inaugural book is entitled "THE DEITY OF MESSIAH" - By Pastor Alan M. Ronk. Pastor Alon is married with two daughters, Rachel and Jessica (Yiska) age 10 and 7. He has been saved and preaching for 18 years. He is presently pastoring a church for the U.S. military in Bamberg, Germany. He has 3 doctorates in Theology, Religious Ed. and Divinity respectively. We thank him for the opportunity of sharing his book with the world. Enjoy it, we did at MHM.
What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? What Does Jesus Say About Homosexuality?
-- By Rev. Marjorie Kummrow![]()
A HEALING BOOKLET FOR YOU in PDF format and revised 2015 - Book by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio
A HEALING BOOKLET FOR YOU HTML format revised 2015 - Book by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio
This book entitled "Gods Word (His Will) Brings Wholeness and Healing" by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio, was made for people suffering from cancer and other major diseases. Barbara has been involved with two cancer support groups over the years, as well as leading the Interstitial Cystitis support group in Arizona for 26 years now. Barbara, a suffer herself of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) has believed the Lord for her healing, and she has stood on the Word of God since 1987 for that healing to take place. She confesses the Word over the problem, and is 90% better then she was in 1985. At one time she though about taking her own life because of the pain she was living in. However, when the Lord found Barbara in August of 1985, He took from her all those evil thoughts of doing herself in, she is now pain free.
Today if you ask Barbara about standing on the Word of God for your healing, she will ask you one question? "Are you swing your hammer daily?" This booklet is meant to be printed out by you, and put into a 3 ring binder and used everyday. If your sick in body or mind, us it 3 times a day. If you are well, at least once a day before bedtime take a dose. Believe me it works, the Word of God always performs because it His Truth. That is God's promise to us. -- Adah GuzmanHere are 3 other books Rev. Barbara Di Gilio has written, now are all free on-line for you to read, print out and teach from.
So What Do You ThinK - A Provocative Study Book by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio
The Mystery of the Tzitzit on the Hebrew Prayer Shawl Book Book by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio
The Book of Galatians Book by Rev. Barbara Di Gilio
Translated from the German Manuscript by Henrietta Szold. This Four Volumes Set is now on-line at Philologos Religious Online Books - we thank them for the link. Check out there web site it has many books you may want to read.
While your here, check out these other great book.
1) Sir Robert Anderson (1841-1918) great book "The Coming Prince"
2) E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913) Number in Scripture
3) E. W. Bullinger 1893 - The Witness of the Stars
Lots of good things to read at:
BEHIND THE VEIL - By Anonymous Author
The hour has come to expose the growing worldwide religion of Islam. Our Muslim friends must be delivered from it's deception and brought into a saving knowledge of the truth about our Savior, Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah). Many are unaware of what Islam really stands for. Certain well known Muslim leaders are labeled as "extremist" because they want to export Islam by force, and order the execution of those who disagree with them. In fact, these leaders are just conservative Muslims who want nothing more than to follow the teachings of their prophet Muhammad. Many are not even aware of what some of these teachings are. This is a must read book for the hour! This anonymous author has put their life on the line in writing this book.
This is a Classics Sermon by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). If you have never read it, you should in light of all that is going on in the world today. Edwards, an American Congregationalist clergyman, was the outstanding theologian and scholar of colonial New England in the 1700's. In his most famous book Freedom of the Will (1754), he upheld such Calvinistic doctrines as predestination. But he insisted that man had freedom to choose alternative courses when forces outside him "inclined" his will to choose. Edwards was born on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Conn. He received A.B. and A.M. degrees from Yale University. In 1727, he was ordained and installed as assistant in the church of Solomon Stoddard, his grandfather, at Northhampton, Mass. When Stoddard died in 1729, Edwards became pastor. The religious revival, a part of the Great Awakening, came to his church in 1734. His famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"(1741), was preached during his revival. Edwards' discipline of young people for reading "immoral" literature and his refusal to give communion to unconverted church members caused dismissal in 1750. He then served as a missionary to the Indians in Stockbridge, Mass., from 1751-1757. Edwards became president of the college of New England (now Princeton) in 1758, but died later that same year of smallpox. - The World Book Encyclopedia-
Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence - A must read for every Believer.
(This is the Authentic Edition from London England)
THE MESSIAH IN THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE LIGHT OF RABBINICAL WRITINGS Copyright © Risto Santala - Translated from Finnish by William Kinnaird
We have a double header for you. Two of the most provocative books that I have read about the Messiah. These books are hard to get your hands on. We feel blessed we can share them with our readers.
THE MESSIAH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE LIGHT OF RABBINICAL WRITINGS Copyright © Risto Santala Translated from Finnish by William Kinnaird
Russell H. Conwell, famous lecture, "Acres of Diamonds," soon made him America's foremost platform orator. By the end of his life, in 1925, he had delivered the lecture more than 6,000 times in town after town throughout this vast land. It was heard by millions from pulpits and public platforms, and by radio, and today others are still reading his practical, optimistic essay and hearing it on cassettes. We pray you to will enjoy it as well. This is history, and its ours, and for me because I lived in Philadelphia for 7 years of my life, the place called "Brotherly Love"!
The book, The Necessity of Prayer as well as other books by E.M. Bounds are unfailing wells for a lifetime of spiritual water-drawing. His wise counsel on prayer are words that originated on the anvil of experience. His thoughts are inspiring, dynamic, and forthright. Probably no one has ever written more convincingly on the subject of prayer than E.M. Bounds. The Necessity of Prayer will help today's earnest Believer to discover the "mystery" and the "majesty" of prayer.
Mayim's Endnote